Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

It's not quite shorts weather for me
His 'Earth ' series is amazing. This one is my favorite, wood ducks leaping from their nest.

Have always enjoyed Sir David Attenboroughs' extraordinary programmes on wild life. .... Thank heaven I don't have to watch wood ducks leaping from anywhere ... they hide and hatch in all kinds of weird places, ( in our back garden in previous years ) next thing ya know - they are marching in line to the nearest creek ... across the back garden - down the street .... no leaping !! I have shepherded a couple of broods, to the best of my ability ( stopping traffic !! ) ....

A few broods just stay with a couple of neighbours - who have a pool !! .... they attach themselves to the family. Hasn't happened here though ( Miss Ruby dog and chooks would be a deterrent methinks ) ....

An amazing video - I posted it to my timeline on Facebook .... thank your for the link, Fancy.

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Have always enjoyed Sir David Attenboroughs' extraordinary programmes on wild life.   .... Thank heaven I don't have to watch wood ducks leaping from anywhere ... they hide and hatch in all kinds of weird places, ( in our back garden in previous years ) next thing ya know - they are marching in line to the nearest creek ... across the back garden - down the street .... no leaping !!  I have shepherded a couple of broods, to the best of my ability ( stopping traffic !! ) ....  

A few broods just stay with a couple of neighbours - who have a pool !! .... they attach themselves to the family.   Hasn't happened here though ( Miss Ruby dog and chooks would be a deterrent methinks ) .... :oops:

An amazing video - I posted it to my timeline on Facebook .... thank your for the link, Fancy.  


Your welcome Annie, did you watch the barnacle geese one ?
My DD was watching the gosling one with me. She was almost crying. It is amazing that it can live through such trauma. Poor dear. We had never heard of such a thing. The adult geese are beautiful also.
Sunshine yay!!! Been out playing in the vege garden for the first time in forever! Transplanted a few seedling had come up by themselves, no idea what they are as they looked a bit like bok choy or Chinese cabbage but I've never had that in that bed. Oh well, might have to have mystery vege night when they get bigger :)

Now if I could just get an egg out of my darn chooks. Still haven't had a single one since the hawk and while one might be molting the rest are just being slackers! Honestly starting to thing I bought faulty chooks lol

Hang in there appps ..... my chickens just ' suddenly ' started 26th July. .... ( last eggs early April !! ) .... two laid on the first day ( one Araucana, she lives alone with a stuffed toy dog for company, along with her wild bird friends ) and have had 5 more since ( from 3 chickens ) .... over 4 days. ....I am a very happy vegemite ...
Only purchased 1.5 dozen eggs over winter - the girls' eggs lasted quite a while. Now we have to use up all the bought eggs, and hopefully go on with the girls producing. Mandy Welsummer and Molly RIR - not sure who is producing there - all eggs are pretty much the same colour, it's Mandy who does all the loud announcing but the eggs are not anywhere near terra cotta in colour. ???? .... Until I get two eggs in the same nest, I will not be able to compare ( if then ) .... Mindy Araucana is very busy - has produced daily since starting up again.

Good luck with the vegie garden ...

My DD was watching the gosling one with me.  She was almost crying.  It is amazing that it can live through such trauma.  Poor dear.  We had never heard of such a thing.  The adult geese are beautiful also.

Mother Nature holds so many secrets. Sir David Attenborough has a unique way of unlocking some of those secrets for us. His new series is starting her in Australia and I , for one will be watching.
We have seen wood ducks leaping from the nest here on our property and had I not seen the footage , I may have intervened thinking they would harm themselves. :)
Mother Nature holds so many secrets. Sir David Attenborough has a unique way of unlocking some of those secrets for us. His new series is starting her in Australia and I , for one will be watching.
We have seen wood ducks leaping from the nest here on our property and had I not seen the footage , I may have intervened thinking they would harm themselves.

The wood ducks we've had, have been at ground level - due to nice little hidey places in a large wood pile we have. ( we have a huge open fireplace which we delight in, for winter ) ... so they have never nested 'up high' in our back garden.

Have not seen them since having chickens though - understandable I guess - the wood ducks would know the danger to their darling little offspring, if one wandered into the path of a chicken. If chickens ( my two big girls in particular ) can raise their hackles and rush at a cockatoo, heaven only knows what they might do to a little duckling !! ( they hide though, when a whole flock of cockies descend !! LOL ) ... However, I wouldn't trust them any more than I would a wild bull in a paddock. !!

Agree with your comments about Sir David A .... so great an experience, to watch his shows.

Was glad that today they were not out of their coops in the early-ish a.m. as there seems to have been a punch-up of some sort - an adult rosella vs ? whatever in the back garden. Would not have been a cat, as there was no body to be seen - only a lot of feathers, ( tail and down ), maybe a late retiring owl ? .... it has me really puzzled. ... May have just been a fight between two rosellas' which would be a first in my experience !! ... Doubt that it would have been a raptor ... although ??? My girls, having finished their moulting, and laying again, MUST have their wing feathers cropped again, as I figure they'd have been over their fences and into the fray - had they been out this morning. ....

Ah - the fun of raising chickens !!
( and previous wood ducks !! ).
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The wood ducks we've had, have been at ground level - due to nice little hidey places in a large wood pile we have.  ( we have a huge open fireplace which we delight in, for winter ) ... so they have never nested 'up high' in our back garden.    

Have not seen them since having chickens though - understandable I guess - the wood ducks would know the danger to their darling little offspring, if one wandered into the path of a chicken.  If chickens ( my two big girls in particular ) can raise their hackles and rush at a cockatoo, heaven only knows what they might do to a little duckling !!  ( they hide though, when a whole flock of cockies descend !! LOL ) ... However, I wouldn't trust them any more than I would a wild bull in a paddock. !!  

Agree with your comments about Sir David A ....  so great an experience,  to watch his shows.   

Was glad that today they were not out of their coops in the early-ish a.m. as there seems to have been a punch-up of some sort - an adult rosella vs ? whatever in the back garden.   Would not have been a cat, as there was no body to be seen - only a lot of feathers, ( tail and down ), maybe a late retiring owl ? .... it has me really puzzled. ... May have just been a fight between two rosellas' which would be a first in my experience !!  ... Doubt that it would have been a raptor ... although ???   My girls, having finished their moulting, and laying again, MUST have their wing feathers cropped again, as I figure they'd have been over their fences and into the fray - had they been out this morning.   ....  

Ah - the fun of raising chickens !! :/   ( and previous wood ducks !! ).  

Don't discount the raptors, the goshawk was plucking our chicken when disturbed. Could have been doing that then flew off with the carcass since a rosella is small enough, leaving you just the feather mess.

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