Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

:(   Sorry.  Never easy.  I bought some Black Jersey Giants from the feed store this spring.  Just noticed last week that one of the pullets has wry tail.  I am going to go ahead and cull her because I don't want her accidently bred and passing on the gene.  My biggest concern is that the other 4- I bought may also have the gene and pass it onto their offspring.  I don't breed them to sell, so I'll just deal with whatever happens next spring.

I wanted to cull him myself, we know a guy that does paddock to plate but I raised him and I just couldn't do it yet. I've got to come to terms with it eventually, roosters get eaten. Sigh.
Don't discount the raptors, the goshawk was plucking our chicken when disturbed. Could have been doing that then flew off with the carcass since a rosella is small enough, leaving you just the feather mess.

I would be most worried about my smaller Mindy Araucana ... she might be small enough for a goshawk to have a go at. .... Have often wondered if there is something in the heavy foliage in high trees that my dog Miss Ruby goes off her face about ... and she does, but not often. I think I will start taking a broom or something to the tree - to remove whatever might be up there !! ... it would work.

I now have to make sure I don't become paranoid about it all, and lock my poor chooks up permanently. ... That is no life for them. ... I do have to stay with them while they free range, but they only do that for a very short while before going back to the safety of their run and coop - they stay near that most of the time. .... If, however, I am gardening - they stay close to me to 'help' !! ... and oh what a help they are
,,,, I don't really mind, but they do get in the way - a lot !!

Makes sense what you have said here - a rosella would certainly be small enough for a goshawk. ... We have had wedge-tails in the area before too. !! hmmmm....

Cheers ...
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I would be most worried about my smaller Mindy Araucana ... she might be small enough for a goshawk to have a go at.  .... Have often wondered if there is something in the heavy foliage in high trees that my dog Miss Ruby goes off her face about ... and she does, but not often.  I think I will start taking a broom or something to the tree - to remove whatever might be up there !!  ... it would work.    

I now have to make sure I don't become paranoid about it all, and lock my poor chooks up permanently. ... That is no life for them.  ... I do have to stay with them while they free range, but they only do that for a very short while before going back to the safety of their run and coop - they stay near that most of the time. .... If, however, I am gardening - they stay close to me to 'help' !! ... and oh what a help they are :barnie  ,,,, I don't really mind, but they do get in the way - a lot !! 

Makes sense what you have said here - a rosella would certainly be small enough for a goshawk.  ... We have had wedge-tails in the area before too. !!  hmmmm.... 

Cheers ... 

My little grey Belgian thinks she is the best gardener in the world :lol: She will climb on top of my hands while I try to pull weeds. I should get mad at her but she looks up at me with her cute little face like mum I am really helping can you see and all I can do is laugh :D This is the same belgian I spotted the other day on the lounge between the two dogs watching doctor phil.I am pretty sure she thinks she's human and not a chicken :D
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I wanted to cull him myself, we know a guy that does paddock to plate but I raised him and I just couldn't do it yet. I've got to come to terms with it eventually, roosters get eaten. Sigh.

Don't feel bad I still could not cull one. Lucky hubby does it for me but if I had to do it myself they would never leave.

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