Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Just an update, Agnes' condition is not improving, in fact her good eye is now as bad if not worse than the other. She's had blood tested, and we're still at a loss for what has been causing this. She's got some pain relief and different meds, but basically if it goes on then we'll have to let her go. It's just way more complicated than it even sounds, but my vet has been really going above and beyond for her. Wednesday she sees the eye doctor again to see how it's either progressed or degenerated, so that's the decider. It's just taking quality of life into account. It helps to have some time to adjust, but it's gutting as hell. She's only a year old, and I thought after all the losses I had this time last year funnily enough, that was over with for many, many years now. Last year I lost the three members of my original flock, 2 to cancer and one to an antibiotic reaction, plus my lovebird from old age, all within two months. Aggie was the start of a new happier time some months after I'd adjusted to all of that. She's a sweetheart, and I'm still hoping for a change, but preparing too, hard as that is. So that's how that is.

Everyone else in my flock is fine thankfully. Mabel my Araucana has started laying more frequently now, it was like a week from her first egg to her second, which was just a shriveled rubber skin. All subsequent eggs since have been perfect and she's fine. The girls also lost their little dirt oasis today though, as the bobcat leveled it all out for my Dad's shed. I'll make them another, so long as the little horrors don't completely destroy the front yard (and my tomato plants) whilst there.

Anniebee, I really hope Mandy gets better from her infection soon, fingers crossed for good news for your girl :)

Thank you Fizzybelle ....... I think there will be more updates ( hopefully - for Mandys' sake ). Todays' egg from that coop, defies description, so I have no idea who laid it. Mandy was sitting in the nesting area, but the egg was cold when I picked it up ... so might have been Molly from previous hours. Will wait 3 days or so, to see what eventuates - and take photos to ask opinions on the eggs ? .. if anything else weird happens. Besides which, the with-holding period is 2 weeks after finish of anti-biotic, although my vets ( from phone call to them today, cos I didn't ask at the time ) ... is 3 to 4 weeks, to be on the safest of sides.


Now ... to poor Agnes. I so hope with all my heart, that she improves. Might take some time, and might result in blindness in one eye - but if that be the case, hope it is only the one eye. Your vets sound terrific, and are doing the very best for her.

The problem is - generally, just chickens. Soooo many things can go wrong with them - as with many birds. And its' not always evident as to why, which leaves us worried, and horrified at the thought of ending it all for them, for their sake and quality of life. But if that be the case, then it has to be done. I realise this with Mandy ... can but hope. Having lost 2 other chickens myself, from a very small flock, I understand your dilemma.

Best of good wishes to you, and to Agnes ......

....... Annie.
Don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight , she has a very ' shrill ' whinny and doesn't like it when the others leave the gate. Castiel is very interested in her, they are similar size but she is 2 months older.

Hope Bling eventually had a good sleep, and therefore allowed you all to rest too.

She is being like a puppy --- whining the first few nights for company.

Castiel, who I am guessing is still entire at his age, might have ideas of making her first mare of his 'band' .... ??? ... .LOL.

Good luck with your young horses there, and particularly in whatever competitions your daughter is entering at this time. Hope they all travelled well on the ship.

Cheers ........
Hope Bling eventually  had a good sleep, and therefore allowed you all to rest too.   

She is being like a puppy --- whining the first few nights for company.  

Castiel, who I am guessing is still entire at his age, might have ideas of making her first mare of  his 'band' .... ???  ... .LOL. 

Good luck with your young horses there, and particularly in whatever competitions your daughter is entering at this time.   Hope they all travelled well on the ship. 

Cheers ........ 

Thanks Annie. :) she settled down last night. I had to turn the electric fences on as she was trying to go under them to get to Castiel. We have cas in with poppy Winston and Winston was less than happy to see Bling . The horses travelled well , but it has rained most of the time , hopefully it will stop today for comp.

Good morning folks

Apologies in advance for what may turn out to be a long post. I have nearly 5 days of catching up to do. I have been reading but not posting .. busy, busy, busy!

Ashburnham I can not bring myself to call your mannequin a scare-crow .. she is way too impressive for such a title. I hope she is doing the job and she looks awesome! Beautiful pics of your other babies; they are adorable!

Fancy I am pleased to read that your little fighter made it. Bling is gorgeous! Good luck in the comps!

Anniebee loved the greengrocer story!
I hope Mandy is recovering well from her infection.

MullyAly One of my Silkies [RIP sweet girl] used to screech like a Peacock when she left the nest for her daily walk, feed, drink and poop. She was normally so very quiet and only did the Peacock impersonations when nesting.

SilkieChickStar I hope you are enjoying your break in Caloundra. Beautiful pic!

Fizzybelle I am sorry to read that Agnes is not improving

On the subject of vegetarians and vegans, my sister is a Vegetarian but her husband is not, he is not allowed to cook meat in the house. She talked me into eating Tofu once, I think the cardboard box it came in would have tasted better lol

It was interesting to check the egg spreadsheet at the end of the month. June equalled 0 eggs. July equalled 3 eggs. August equalled 53 eggs from 4 little girls LuLu has still not laid since the 13th of December and I am starting to think she is not going to.

On the subject of citrus, I thought I would share a pic I took a couple of days ago of our Mango Tree. It actually belongs to the neighbour out the back but is right on the fence line so we get half the fruit. It looks like it is going to be a bumper crop this year and I will probably take some into work to share; the ones that the possums and bats do not get

Mainly for Anniebee but also anyone else who is interested; I got some up-to-date pictures of Chucky.

Chucky having dinner
(S)he is such a cutie!

Chucky listening to me natter away ...

Chucky singing back to me ...

and this one just because I thought it was a beautiful picture of him ...

While I had the camera out, I also snapped what I thought were some nice pictures of Dusty and Crystal ...

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Good morning folks :frow Apologies in advance for what may turn out to be a long post. I have nearly 5 days of catching up to do. I have been reading but not posting .. busy, busy, busy! Ashburnham I can not bring myself to call your mannequin a scare-crow .. she is way too impressive for such a title. I hope she is doing the job and she looks awesome! Beautiful pics of your other babies; they are adorable! Fancy I am pleased to read that your little fighter made it. Bling is gorgeous! Good luck in the comps! Anniebee loved the greengrocer story! :lau I hope Mandy is recovering well from her infection. MullyAly One of my Silkies [RIP sweet girl] used to screech like a Peacock when she left the nest for her daily walk, feed, drink and poop. She was normally so very quiet and only did the Peacock impersonations when nesting. SilkieChickStar I hope you are enjoying your break in Caloundra. Beautiful pic! Fizzybelle I am sorry to read that Agnes is not improving :( :hugs On the subject of vegetarians and vegans, my sister is a Vegetarian but her husband is not, he is not allowed to cook meat in the house. She talked me into eating Tofu once, I think the cardboard box it came in would have tasted better lol ;) It was interesting to check the egg spreadsheet at the end of the month. June equalled 0 eggs. July equalled 3 eggs. August equalled 53 eggs from 4 little girls LuLu has still not laid since the 13[SUP]th[/SUP] of December and I am starting to think she is not going to. On the subject of citrus, I thought I would share a pic I took a couple of days ago of our Mango Tree. It actually belongs to the neighbour out the back but is right on the fence line so we get half the fruit. It looks like it is going to be a bumper crop this year and I will probably take some into work to share; the ones that the possums and bats do not get ;) Mainly for Anniebee but also anyone else who is interested; I got some up-to-date pictures of Chucky. Chucky having dinner ;) (S)he is such a cutie! Chucky listening to me natter away ... Chucky singing back to me ... and this one just because I thought it was a beautiful picture of him ... While I had the camera out, I also snapped what I thought were some nice pictures of Dusty and Crystal ...
Lovely pics, and congrats on the August count. What your record number for a month? I would guess 80ish?
Thank you Fizzybelle ....... I think there will be more updates ( hopefully - for Mandys' sake ). Todays' egg from that coop, defies description, so I have no idea who laid it. Mandy was sitting in the nesting area, but the egg was cold when I picked it up ... so might have been Molly from previous hours. Will wait 3 days or so, to see what eventuates - and take photos to ask opinions on the eggs ? .. if anything else weird happens. Besides which, the with-holding period is 2 weeks after finish of anti-biotic, although my vets ( from phone call to them today, cos I didn't ask at the time ) ... is 3 to 4 weeks, to be on the safest of sides.


Now ... to poor Agnes. I so hope with all my heart, that she improves. Might take some time, and might result in blindness in one eye - but if that be the case, hope it is only the one eye. Your vets sound terrific, and are doing the very best for her.

The problem is - generally, just chickens. Soooo many things can go wrong with them - as with many birds. And its' not always evident as to why, which leaves us worried, and horrified at the thought of ending it all for them, for their sake and quality of life. But if that be the case, then it has to be done. I realise this with Mandy ... can but hope. Having lost 2 other chickens myself, from a very small flock, I understand your dilemma.

Best of good wishes to you, and to Agnes ......

....... Annie.

Thank you. At the moment, she's just sitting next to the coop, mostly as it's familiar, safe, and she's finding it hard to keep up with the others. Doesn't help the yard looks like a disaster site at the moment in preparation for the shed to go up. It seems like it's all too much for her. And you're right, so many things can go wrong with them but there's still not enough research into their health problems, compared to dogs and cats. Then again, anything can go wrong with any creature. This is just one of those why situations, why is it happening and why is treatment not working? The only slight consolation is that Aggie's always had the best of everything, all my girls are spoilt the moment they arrive, and she's got the best medical help. She enjoyed a meal of mealworms and sunflower seeds though, special treats that never fail ;)

I hope your Mandy has lots more positive updates, and I understand the conundrum of who laid that egg? I'm pretty good at telling my girls eggs apart, but now and then they'll lay some that'll throw me. My australorp hybrid Ada seems to be laying HUGE eggs at the moment (not complaining!) and my Pekin Esme as well, hers are getting bigger. If the egg was cold though, it might have been your Molly like you mentioned. All the best for Mandy

and thanks Teila, those are some really nice photos. Chucky's a cutie, as are Dusty (very pretty) and Crystal, who reminds me of my Esme.
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Well, my mealworm farm suffered it's first major loss. I set it up last week when my order arrived (no delays on Martyn's mealworms this time, all back to normal!) by the laundry stairs. Annabelle my RIR hybrid got into the laundry, found the box and helped herself. I recall she noticed the box last time I chased her out, though she couldn't see what was in it clearly. So, the calculating little turd remembered and came back to find out for herself. She ate a fair amount too, feathered little pig. Worms are otherwise fine, but I may need to order more now. I swear each day she purposely comes up with new ways to top herself in mischief.
Good morning folks

Apologies in advance for what may turn out to be a long post. I have nearly 5 days of catching up to do. I have been reading but not posting .. busy, busy, busy!

Ashburnham I can not bring myself to call your mannequin a scare-crow .. she is way too impressive for such a title. I hope she is doing the job and she looks awesome! Beautiful pics of your other babies; they are adorable!

Fancy I am pleased to read that your little fighter made it. Bling is gorgeous! Good luck in the comps!

Anniebee loved the greengrocer story!
I hope Mandy is recovering well from her infection.

MullyAly One of my Silkies [RIP sweet girl] used to screech like a Peacock when she left the nest for her daily walk, feed, drink and poop. She was normally so very quiet and only did the Peacock impersonations when nesting.

SilkieChickStar I hope you are enjoying your break in Caloundra. Beautiful pic!

Fizzybelle I am sorry to read that Agnes is not improving

On the subject of vegetarians and vegans, my sister is a Vegetarian but her husband is not, he is not allowed to cook meat in the house. She talked me into eating Tofu once, I think the cardboard box it came in would have tasted better lol

It was interesting to check the egg spreadsheet at the end of the month. June equalled 0 eggs. July equalled 3 eggs. August equalled 53 eggs from 4 little girls LuLu has still not laid since the 13th of December and I am starting to think she is not going to.

On the subject of citrus, I thought I would share a pic I took a couple of days ago of our Mango Tree. It actually belongs to the neighbour out the back but is right on the fence line so we get half the fruit. It looks like it is going to be a bumper crop this year and I will probably take some into work to share; the ones that the possums and bats do not get

Mainly for Anniebee but also anyone else who is interested; I got some up-to-date pictures of Chucky.

Chucky having dinner
(S)he is such a cutie!

Chucky listening to me natter away ...

Chucky singing back to me ...

and this one just because I thought it was a beautiful picture of him ...

While I had the camera out, I also snapped what I thought were some nice pictures of Dusty and Crystal ...

Lovely photographs here Teila .... The pix of Chucky are fantastic ..

Just to throw a spanner in the works !! ....
.... . the last one of Chucky - just sitting quietly in the tree, looks very like a juvenile kookaburra.
So of course, I had to go look up juvie kookas didn't I, and found most have already got the white top of head that adults do, but one does not, the blue winged kooka. ....

Then I remembered the pix. of the adult bird and the deceased dove, so hastily left my googling and rummaging ....

S/he seems to have grown, or is that just my imagination. ?

Have never seen a Mango tree before. Very pretty, and you should have a feast of that most delicious of all fruits. A tad green with envy here ...

Love the pics of the girls. They are both gorgeous.

Mandy walked further today, free ranging ~ without having to sit, but finally did sit down. Then she was up again and foraging in a garden.
she just might be on the improve. Will know more about any improvement by maybe Tuesday morning ? Vet said 3 days or so, should show results.

Cheers ....
Thank you. At the moment, she's just sitting next to the coop, mostly as it's familiar, safe, and she's finding it hard to keep up with the others. Doesn't help the yard looks like a disaster site at the moment in preparation for the shed to go up. It seems like it's all too much for her. And you're right, so many things can go wrong with them but there's still not enough research into their health problems, compared to dogs and cats. Then again, anything can go wrong with any creature. This is just one of those why situations, why is it happening and why is treatment not working? The only slight consolation is that Aggie's always had the best of everything, all my girls are spoilt the moment they arrive, and she's got the best medical help. She enjoyed a meal of mealworms and sunflower seeds though, special treats that never fail ;)

I hope your Mandy has lots more positive updates, and I understand the conundrum of who laid that egg? I'm pretty good at telling my girls eggs apart, but now and then they'll lay some that'll throw me. My australorp hybrid Ada seems to be laying HUGE eggs at the moment (not complaining!) and my Pekin Esme as well, hers are getting bigger. If the egg was cold though, it might have been your Molly like you mentioned. All the best for Mandy

and thanks Teila, those are some really nice photos. Chucky's a cutie, as are Dusty (very pretty) and Crystal, who reminds me of my Esme.

Fizzybelle .... I have had a thought.

In a previous post you mentioned a bob-cat had been used in your back garden / near chickens area ? Might she have been hit in the face, front on, by a clod of earth from all this work. Not enough to be noticeable, but enough to cause injury to the eyes ?. The yard is looking like a disaster site ( you said ), which no doubt might upset chookies a bit ... and perhaps Agnes is especially fragile in the way she handles changes etc. Only you would know that. And she is sitting 'safe by her coop' ... maybe she doesn't want to keep up with the others, considering the work going on around about.

I am sorry, but I now cannot recall ... exactly how you came to find that Agnes had a bad eye in the first place, and what it looked like etc.

The fact that she enjoyed her mealworms and sunflower seeds, is a very positive sign. Did you hand feed her those, or did she have to pick them up off the ground herself ?

Have no doubt she is getting the very very best of attention ~ veterinary and your undivided caring for her. How would she react to being brought inside ? ... for not only constant observation, but to be away from all the changes taking place, and to be nearer to you as she most likely loves to be. You could also check how much she is eating etc., that way.
If you have a pen, crate or small spare room she could be in on paper and straw or whatever you have on flooring in coops, would be good. An upended chair that has rungs on it, could be a roosting area. Is she in fact, still roosting ?

Sorry to be a pest, but have rambled on as more thoughts struck. Just hope it all turns out well for you both.

The mealworm farm fiasco had me smiling. Cheeky chookie, Annabelle. I really think we do underestimate at times, just how smart a chicken can be.

And thanks for your good wishes for Mandy ~ who today seems better, but will only know how much better by about Tuesday ~ vet said give it 3 days or so for results to show.

Cheers .......
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