Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

WAAAAAAAAA! Feel like I should re-introduce myself it's been that long! How's everyone been?.. My silly computer had a virus and it's taken me this long to fix it :barnie Everything has been fine here, had 6 lil monsters hatch this week, one had curled toes and straddle legs :( was horrible to see, he couldn't walk or stand out and kept rolling.. I taped his little feet and made him some chicken boots, soon after he was named "Chicken Boots". He then still couldn't stand and I felt barbaric having them in the little boots :hit sooooo I made him one of those little chairs, it held him up kept him watered and fed, I still felt bad after 12hrs so took it all off about to take him to the vet.. BUT IT WORKED! Little boots is now chillin with his little mates! He runs just as quick and his toes look completely normal! CRAZY! Of course there's pics hehe ;) .. BOOTS! He can stand, run and walk!
Great job Syd :weee
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Hahahahahahaaaaaa thanx guys I missed everyone sharing the love and laughs of owning chicks and chooks!.. Luke, I feel so bad but I look at the pic of boots in his lil chair almost every hour and have good belly laugh every time.. Was the funniest little site to see but so cute and worked a treat!
Don't feel bad, you saved him
@Fancychooklady had a shocking morning this morning went out to check my GLWyandotte broody as 1 chick hatched so just waiting on the other 4. Got there and mum was dead on the nest and 3 more little chicks had hatched but were basically dead. we held them for at least an hour and a half in front of the fire we have brought then back to life. 2 look reasonably strong and 2 im not to sure of. rang fancy got some advice. Now we just have to cross our fingers and hope they survive. my poor mumma chook Diago.

Very sorry Karen, hope your little ones pull through.

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