Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi ... short update on Black Betty my beautiful Hamburg hen I posted a picture with a large lump on her wing... she’s doing fine and not being pestered by my other chockens thank goodness After not getting much info from my local vet we took her to an Avian Vet some distance away she was very thorough but not concerned unless it becomes was a expensive ... the vet $78 (including taking a sample and checking it) and the Avian vet $99....I’ll know next time!
Hi guys, finally got my coop done and thought I’d post some pics of my chooks!
I still have no idea the sex or the breed so any help would be greatly appreciated 😊

I believe there are about 3-4 roosters as they’re the larger birds but I’m unsure.
By looking at the combs i'd say most of those are roosters.
Not much to report from here, girls are starting to slow down their laying now. Working on the gardens now that we finally have some cooler weather after so many days over 40c this summer and fires about. Thankfully our place was fine but a few we know in town lost their houses. Had some decent rain in jan and feb but not much for the last month or so. Hope all is going well for everyone else.
Wondering if anyone knows of good places to buy sexe pullets?

Turns out our two chooks are most definitely roo's and we are moving into town :barnie So don't think the neighbors will approve the morning wake up calls.

Preferably around the QLD Region, near Mackay / Rockhampton - we are inland from both.

Still working out the rehoming side if we do, as we'll have 2 muscovy drakes possibly as well.

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