Australians - Where are you all????

I think my hen is getting ready to go broody again
Guinea, I suck at this sort of thing. Where actually iss the chick? All I see are some lines and this big orange mass...
They are at the end of day 11/beginning of day 12 now.

Ray, this might help.

In my photo the orange is the clear empty bit, the dark bit is the chick and the lines are veins.
The picture's not coming up.
But I get it now, I didn't know there were veins inside too

How are all Aussies this fine afternoon?
Weather's cleared up, southerlies have blown away all the cloud.
Hi all. Just posted new topic but specifically want ur opinions-

Have the option of buying 4kg all shell grit for $8 or 40kg bag that has shell grit and a lot of sand and is sold as shell grit mix for $17.

Is there any reason I should or shouldn't buy either one?? Opinions please.

How u all going?
I'd personally go for the smaller bag. Don't you live in Glenelg? I imagine you would have pretty sandy soil already.

And whenever we buy large bags of things, half of it usually ends up unused and gathering dust in a corner.

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