Australians - Where are you all????

Thanks...I know that sometimes no matter how careful you are...these birds really try us and get into all sorts of mischief. Its just the first time in so long anything like that has happened. The duck i had die from the spider bite was a freak accident too- but I will never get used to loosing them so unexpectedly.

Just a quick report on the new incubator. The first lot of ducklings are starting to hatch!! There arent supposed to be due til the weekend- but I can already see a beak in one airsac. I am wary as its the first lot of eggs "slow cooked" the whole incubation period in the new one. So I am hoping for some good results. I will let you all know...and of course post some pics when they arrive.
I logged on this morning..and noticed my name is now RED!! I was so shocked when some lovely person paid for my GFM..But this is even more surprising! I cant believe the kindness of some people _ ( even if thy want to remain annon. so I cant personally thank them.)

Well- it looks like the new incubator was worth the money.. I have two new babies out tonight from the first setting and 9 more pipped. It looks like being the first really great hatch I have had in many months.

I dont think I will be getting much sleep tonight.

congratulations on both your promotion and your hatch!
How is your hatch going Ducky? I have had 14 Polish bantams hatch,and one of them had a bald head. Well,of course all the other chickens were pecking at his shiny pink head,and I could not find my blue dye.(chickens will peck at red or pink for those who don't know) All I could find was bright orange zinc cream, so now we have a bald Polish chicken with an orange head.
Poor little thing looks so funny,but it's better than getting pecked all the time!
I love my new incubator.
I have 11 babies hatched!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe the difference. I have to say...after my first batch through the IM incubator I hope they are all as good as this. The ducklings seem to be better- Its strange- but they are stronger and I have had no issues with them hatching at all. I only wish I bought it earlier so I didnt have all the problems I did over the winter.

I will take pics in the morning when they are all fluffy and in the brooder.
Hi everyone in Australia.
Im new and from Sydney - 2 silkie chickens, 1 silkie rooster and 4 new silkie chicks

whereabouts in Sydney - we used to live there,moved to Tassie 6 years ago. I love Silkies,what colours do you have?
We are in Winston Hills - suburban enough that no one has complained about our rooster (yet, and hope they don't

We have an all white silkie who is the new mum, the roster is white with a black tail and a brown hen (don't know the right name for her colour). They are very cute - they follow me around the garden, great company

Here is the picture of mum and bubs.

Where is Tassie are you? I was down there for work a couple of weeks ago and drove from Hobart to Launceston and even in spring there was snow and lots of lambs - very cute.
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There's still lots of snow! We are in North West Tassie,near Devonport, live on 2 acres and have 8 roosters! Our neighbours are very tolerant. We used to live in Dural so were quite close to where you are.

Your Mum and bubs are gorgeous, Mum has that "I'm very proud" look on her face!Your rooster must be very handsome with his black tail!

Talking of lambs ,saw something horrible today, our neighbours sheep had just given birth and the little lamb was wobbling to its' feet when the ram in the flock rushed up and butted it hard,he sent it flying , it went about a metre through the air,and then just lay there with Mum pawing at it. I was over the fence in a flash,shooed the ram away and picked the little one up,put it on its feet and checked that it was o.k.It was so cute,it even had the umbilical cord attached still. It seemed o.k. and tottered off with Mum straight back to the ram and the others. Should there be a ram in with newly born lambs? Don't know if I should go and say something to the owner?Hate to be a nosy neighbour,but hate to see something like that happen,I was sure it had been killed,and next time it could be.
Hi there Sydneychicks.

Very cute bubs you have there. I was at a friends house today- she discovered a broken egg in a brooder box- opened it up to find a bunch of little Silkies hatching.
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