Australians - Where are you all????

Hi Satay, You would be welcome to buy some Malay eggs, and I will let you know when I have some, I don't anticipate them laying until about June or so. I like the name Amazon!! I have 3 others, 2 cockerels -one is Fooie, one Moy Moy(if you follow rugby league - Fooey fooey Moy Moy is a big Maori player , and their girl is called Dorothy,from the Wiggles Dorothy the Dinosaur!
Hi there taity, How did you survive in the heat of the last few days?? And of course.. What kind of chooks ( or ducks.. ) do you keep??

Welcome to BYP.

News of the Cyclone now has me even more worried for those I know up there. With so much of Queensland still recovering- it will be even longer before the sunshine state can truely shine again.. My thought are with you all.
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Hello! and

and I second what you say about all being safe - particularly those in the path of the cyclone.
LOL yes I watch the footy. They are great names . Oh thats great about the eggs. I will wait to hear from you when you have some available.
Eggs booked in for Satay! Message to Ducky here - do you remeber a while back I asked about Vets charging a dispensing fee for medication? My vet had said it was now law? Well, as I suspected he was talking b....t. I have a new vet who is fantastic about medications, when the chickens had respiratory infections lately, he gave me a really good sized bottle of Anti Biotics,and only charged $20 for it, then I needed more(I thought) and he gave me another bottle, I still have it,so that will be good later down the track. Needless to say, I no longer go to the original vet, with 3 dogs, the livestock and all my chickens,I reckon he shot himself in the foot when he tried to get extra money out of me!

God, how do you stand working in 38o heat? I would have downed tools at a very early stage! How are the ducks coping? I would have gone to the same auction you are going to,Ducky,at the end of the month, but no Malays so no Wooklet!

How did everyone in QLD cope with the cyclone?
Oh Satay did I reply to your PM. I definitely want malay eggs someday here soon but not for a few more months!

We're getting this lovely new property soon, I'm excited/nervous. It's owned by my husband's boss which is the nervous bit. (but nothing says guaranteed job like living on your worksite, right?) It's ON the worksite but the worksite is 2 acres and they're on opposite sides. I'm allowed ROOSTERS.
And pheasants and a cow and goats... P: But it's only 2 acres so I have to alot the space properly. I'm thinking dairy cow!? Spotted. Named Bessy. C'mon!!

I hope everyone in Cairns is okay.
It was me not Satay with the Malay eggs!
Your new property sounds great, as you say have to allocate it! Not like someone I know(myself) who has 16 roosters at last count!! A dairy cow sounds great,I love the Jerseys with their big soft doe eyes! When do you move in?
Just preparing for the storm about to hit Melbourne. I have boiled the kettle and made some hot water bottles in case the power goes out. I have eggs pipped tonight - and memories of the last power outage when i had only one egg hatching is enough to make me get well prepared. My daughter had the just hatched ducklings in bed with her- I had some older ones and the egg down my shirt for about an hour until it came back on. It was off for over 3 hours- so I dont want the same tonight with all I have here.

I was going up to take all the wet moldy carpet out of the shed up at my block this weekend..BUt I think I will have to give that a miss now. Oh Well.. I can stay home with all the babies- some of whom are camped out in the lounge room tonight. Right in front of the TV. A dog barked on a show and they all got up and ran away into the other corner.. LOL....imagine if they saw it too.. It must have given them a good scare.
How did you go with the storm? I hear it was pretty bad. Did you keep your power? That is the worst - when my Malay eggs were due to hatch, our power went off for 5 nearly 6 hours, and I had the car running all that time,because I had the incubator on the inverter! Also had the brooder full of hot water bottles! Honestly the things we do - but I hope you all survived, you don't need any more problems at the moment!

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