Australorp year old hen died


13 Years
Mar 1, 2010
E. Central, MN
Hen was fine... no signs of illness. Found dead this noon. Necropsy done, and pic taken. Upon opening cavity a purplish skin slid out with clear liquid & some blood. I thought it was the liver. Not! Gizzard was fine, 4 yolks & a soft shell egg, kidney good, heart good. Liver was in fact color of grey mustard DSC00014.JPG DSC00013.JPG DSC00014.JPG , soft & mushy. Intestines uneventful. Would like some idea what she had, please.
Thank you Amy Jane, but I need to know why. Was she diseased? What was the purplish lining? What causes mashed brown liver?
The brown mushy liver could be fatty liver disease. Looks like there is a lot of yellow fat on her other organs as well. Was she overweight? (I don't know the proper amount of fat to find inside a chicken. I'm just thinking out loud). Was she eating a lot of high fat treats? Can you post a closeup pic of just the liver?
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My best bet is fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome based on the description/photos of the viscera:

Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome (FLHS) was first described in the 1950s as excessive fat in the liver of prolific laying hens, associated with varying degrees of hemorrhage. The condition is almost universally confined to caged birds fed high-energy diets and is most often seen in white-egg layers in warm, summer months. The liver is usually enlarged, putty colored, and very friable, showing varying degrees of hemorrhage. The abdominal cavity often contains large amounts of oily, unsaturated fat. Affected birds often have pale combs, likely as a consequence of reduced egg production. The ovary is usually active, at least in the early stages of FLHS, and the metabolic and physical stress associated with oviposition may be factors that induce the final fatal hemorrhage.

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