Autograph Block Swap

@katsdar great news!!!!

Loving how these are coming out!!! I love the idea of adding the year too
I finally broke down and remembered to get a 1/4 inch foot for my sewing machine, and omg what a difference!!!!!! Why didn't I do that sooner?????
I don't mind at all. I thought about it, but wasn't sure what everyone else was doing and I had the white so I just went w/ that.
I am officially 1/2 done (well actually a little over 1/2 since my fabric is 100% cut), since it is going to be a yucky day planning on spending most of it sewing. I am so pleased w/ this 1/4 inch sewing foot, these are the best points I have ever done w/ traditional (non foundation) sewing.

What is everyone doing for the writing part??? I found these pens at Hobby Lobby, they come in many colors but I got black, and they are specifically for fabric and permenant and washable. I made a pattern w/ the printer on paper w/ pretty font and am tracing it w/ the pen. They had two styles of pen, one like a writing pen the other w/ a chiseled "sharpie" type edge, I got one of each and tried them both, found I liked the look of the writing pen one better.

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