Automatic Coop Door opener.. Any that go HORIZONTALLY?


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
I've been looking around, and seems like all automatic coop doors go vertically. Are there any that go horizontally that are cheap?? Also they can't be bulky.. not much space! Will post a picture of the coop later
We used a regular chicken door coop motor and swung the door sideways. I have a picture somewhere.. hmm.


We've upgraded the door and block since then but you get the idea. there was no room up top, so it swings out!
We looked for one for the last year and finally gave up and just relocated our door to use a vertical automatic opener. We even looked for ideas Gary could build he tried several of his own ideas w/o any success (and he got pretty creative)
I have a electrically operated cylinder that on used on an old 10 satellite dish that rotated the dish. I'm working doing that very thing with it. It is larger than I wanted but it's what I have. My way of thinking is that to direct connect to the door will work better than finding a way to make the door slide. We'll see.
You could have a door OPENER that was horizontal, but it wouldn't close it again, unless you had another one on the other side to pull it closed. you'd have to sync them perfectly so one releases cable while the other reels it in.
I have a manually operated horizontal door between sections of my coop, and the lower track gets litter and chicken poo jammed in it often. Easy to clean out when I want the door shut, but would never work as a hands-off unit. I think the automatic doors need to be vertical.

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