Avengers Themed Memorial Hatch-A-Long



Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
I am going to be starting my first hatch-a-long. This one is in memory of my Buckeye hen who died today (08-06-24).

My hen's name was Buck. Short for Bucky, like Bucky Barnes from Captain America. She was named that because I thought she was a rooster when she was younger, but she turned out to be a hen, so I shortened it to Buck. That is why this Hatch-a-long is Avengers themed!

There will be 22 eggs, and I am in the process of collecting them.

This is a BYM hatch, the breeds are as follws:
Roosters= Buckeye, Buff Orpington

Hens= Black Copper Maran, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex, Golden Sexlink, BYM hens

The eggs will be numbered 1-22, so you can claim any numbers and give them an Avengers themed name. You can claim them now without knowing the colors, or claim them as I gather them. It is your choice. I will post the newly collected eggs with their numbers as I gather them.

I hope you'll join me on the Buck memorial hatch-a-long journey! Here is a picture of Buck when she was sick, so you can see who Buck is. ❤
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