Avian influenza found in South Carolina

APHIS published their sampling protocol with the number of wild birds they collect annually. It's a sizable number. A link was provided somewhere earlier in this thread. The number of negatives would be at least as large as the number collected/sampled minus the published positives.

The more agressive their publicity campaign to alert and scare the public, the higher the number of negatives. Birds still die of other causes.
^^ this.

And, possibly a quirk of how the laws/rules are written. Unintended consequences are common. In this case, the whoever wrote it may not have thought of coops small enough that they aren't entered every day or some other factor that makes it possible for some birds to not catch it even if others in a different shelter on the property do.

Also, are we sure the others didn't catch it? I don't remember the incubation period. It isn't long but it didn't take long until it was over either.
If I remember correctly, he had 30+ dog fenced coops for his specialty birds. Too small to be entered by a human, but access to get eggs and food/water. The specialty birds showed no signs even 7 days after the first bird died but were not tested, just destroyed.

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