Avian influenza found in South Carolina

I’m curious how long people are planning to keep their birds in flockdown? Especially those with less than ideal set ups, whose birds are in cramped quarters right now.

It must be so hard for people in that situation. I'm blessing my oversized facilities but also working on converting some old picnic pavillion frames into covered runs with whatever wire I can manage.

I'll set those less than secure runs inside my electric netting.
This x2! I hear ya. I try and not think about it or my anxiety flares and then I am no good to anyone
I had been watching too much on things going on and my favorite coat zipper broke and I couldn't get out. I about lost it lol. It was the last straw. I realized how silly and started laughing..... And quit watching the news so much.... I did get out of the coat with some patience
Thank you for sharing that! An interesting read indeed.

Worth note on seagulls:

"Gulls are in the order Charadriiformes in the family Laridae. These birds are considered major reservoir hosts of avian IAVs [2,37], especially of H13 and H16 viruses [38]. Large-scale surveillance of gulls has shown that infection prevalence can top 50% in many gull populations [38,39,40]."

I don't think Seagulls have been mentioned specifically in any of the other things really where I've read/heard carriers aside from waterfowl discussed - which usually meant just duck/geese/swans. Some places also said shorebirds so maybe seagulls would be lumped in with that, but I'm still surprised I haven't seen them called out specifically as a risk elsewhere given how aggressive they can be about getting into stuff, which would surely be more of an actual transmission risk to poultry than something like a sanderling.

Yes, gulls have been reported on the aphis site.

Florida Brevard 3/18/2022 EA H5N1 Gull

Florida Polk 3/18/2022 EA H5N1 Ring-billed gull

Ohio Erie 3/10/2022 EA H5N1 Herring gull
Is there anywhere that says exactly how many birds have been killed from or euthanized because of AI?
I can only find state by state.
This site has a list of all commercial and backyard flocks with number of birds culled.

Here is the page with wild birds, some found dead others were hunter harvest.

This has moved rather quickly so I have not heard a total so far or took time to add them all up myself but several million now, unfortunately. :(
This site has a list of all commercial and backyard flocks with number of birds culled.

Here is the page with wild birds, some found dead others were hunter harvest.

This has moved rather quickly so I have not heard a total so far or took time to add them all up myself but several million now, unfortunately. :(
Is it safe to assume all of the birds listed on there are dead/were killed?
I'm adding them up now.

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