Avian influenza found in South Carolina

Bird flu has periodically been detected at major poultry producers, leading to hundreds of thousands or even millions of chickens being killed. Why is no one questioning this procedure? Have we learned absolutely nothing from all of the lies and government dictates surrounding Covid? Remember how many people who had contracted and recovered from Covid and thus developed immunity were still required to get the jab (with its own risks)? Real solutions can be found when you are able to find a way to avoid the one-and-only option the government is willing to allow.

A Cruel Way to Control Bird Flu? Poultry Giants Cull and Cash In

Some animal welfare advocates, pointing to recent outbreaks that were allowed to run their course, question whether killing every bird on an affected farm is even the right approach. When H5N1 hit Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary in California in February 2023, killing three birds, the farm’s operators steeled themselves for a state-mandated culling. Instead, California agriculture officials, citing a recently created exemption for farms that do not produce food, said they would spare the birds as long as strict quarantine measures were put in place for 120 days.

Over the next few weeks, the virus claimed 26 of the farm’s 160 chickens, ducks and turkeys, but the others survived, even those that had appeared visibly ill, according to Christine Morrissey, the sanctuary’s executive director.

She said the experience suggested that mass cullings might be unnecessary. “There needs to be more research and effort put into finding other ways of responding to this virus,” Ms. Morrissey said, “because depopulation is horrifying and it’s not solving the problem at hand.”

These birds were able to recover and may now be far more resistant to future exposures to this or similar diseases. Too bad so many millions of chickens have not been given that opportunity, including the possibility of passing on that resistance to offspring.
Very informative 25 minute video on HPAI (highly pathogenic/deadly bird flu):

Bird Flu: Separating Fact from Fiction and True Danger from Fear-mongering

Lots of interesting points in it:
  • ~30 second mark: Why current virus PCR testing methods are poor or even fraudulent (by the inventor of PCRs)
  • ~1 minute mark: how large batches of chickens are killed if HPAI is detected (hint: cruelly)
  • ~1:50 minutes: Why large companies go along with mass culling (financial incentives)
  • ~2:50 minutes: Are the 90% fatality rate in 48 hours numbers fraudulent? Rare exceptions to flock culling (see my previous post) suggest that the fatality rate may be far lower and allowing natural herd immunity to develop may be a viable alternative.
  • ~4:30 minutes: Will current policy lead to a culling of cattle which aren't seriously affected by the disease?
  • ~5:30 minute mark: Former CDC director (Dr. Robert Redfield) and Dr. Anthony Fauci discusses the gain-of-function research that has been going on to modify bird flu
  • ~7:45 minute mark: Bill Gates funds research to develop versions of HPAI that more efficiently infect humans.
  • ~8:30 minute mark: Are the current HPAI infections in the US due to lab leaks?
  • ~15:50 minute mark: Millions of mRNA vaccine doses are already being purchased in Europe and the US for use in humans, similar to the mass vaccination campaign for Covid.
  • ~23:20 minute mark: Why have we had no human fatalities in the US while there has been a substantial number (hundreds) in SE Asia?
Finland to start bird flu vaccinations for humans, in world first

The idea of proper testing of "vaccine" safety and effectiveness is dead. "Vaccines" are now emergency authorized only, bypassing most of those tests. The Fins will be the first set of guinea pigs.

This disease does not pass from human to human and so cannot be a pandemic. If it mutates naturally or via gain-of-function for human to human transmission, then by definition the current "vaccine" will not be aimed at that new version of bird flu.
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