Ayam Cemani Behaviour


5 Years
Feb 20, 2019
SW Oregon
I am considering purchasing some Ayam Cemani. I think they are beautiful and striking and so far believe I would love to add them to my flock. That being said, I am interested in people's personal experiences in owning/being around them. I was recently informed by someone that they found the breed to be aggressive in their experience. I have read on other pages that they are rather flighty. Flighty I can handle, but I have little tolerance for aggression. I am hoping to hear some people's personal experience about them. I do realize chickens are individuals, though. Thank you in advance!
I just started raising Ayam Cemanis last year. Yes they are flighty when young but not the case, at least with mine as they mature. What I can say is they are very people friendly. More so than any of my other chickens. Most of those are Blue American's & what I call my hodge-podge layer flock. Maybe it's because I give them lots of attention from the day they are born. Two of my hens are broody & they have no problems with me lifting them to check their eggs. I also stroke their backs & give them water from a cup a few times each day.
I just started raising Ayam Cemanis last year. Yes they are flighty when young but not the case, at least with mine as they mature. What I can say is they are very people friendly. More so than any of my other chickens. Most of those are Blue American's & what I call my hodge-podge layer flock. Maybe it's because I give them lots of attention from the day they are born. Two of my hens are broody & they have no problems with me lifting them to check their eggs. I also stroke their backs & give them water from a cup a few times each day.
Thank you for sharing! This is encouraging to hear :)
I have not had my ayam cemani very long but I just wanted to let you know, from my experience they are very people friendly. My rooster, I that is older, comes to the door of the run and talks to us when we walk outside. He will fly into my lap for treats as long as I don't touch him. They are flighty sometimes. He will stand by me when I'm seated or squatting by him. My little 7 wk olds move away except for the one I bought first (alone). That one tries to get me to pick it up. I LOVE
I have not had my ayam cemani very long but I just wanted to let you know, from my experience they are very people friendly. My rooster, I that is older, comes to the door of the run and talks to us when we walk outside. He will fly into my lap for treats as long as I don't touch him. They are flighty sometimes. He will stand by me when I'm seated or squatting by him. My little 7 wk olds move away except for the one I bought first (alone). That one tries to get me to pick it up. I LOVE my babies.
I am considering purchasing some Ayam Cemani. I think they are beautiful and striking and so far believe I would love to add them to my flock. That being said, I am interested in people's personal experiences in owning/being around them. I was recently informed by someone that they found the breed to be aggressive in their experience. I have read on other pages that they are rather flighty. Flighty I can handle, but I have little tolerance for aggression. I am hoping to hear some people's personal experience about them. I do realize chickens are individuals, though. Thank you in advance!
I am considering purchasing some Ayam Cemani. I think they are beautiful and striking and so far believe I would love to add them to my flock. That being said, I am interested in people's personal experiences in owning/being around them. I was recently informed by someone that they found the breed to be aggressive in their experience. I have read on other pages that they are rather flighty. Flighty I can handle, but I have little tolerance for aggression. I am hoping to hear some people's personal experience about them. I do realize chickens are individuals, though. Thank you in advance!
I fell in love with this breed after researching. I didn’t find one thing about them being aggressive. The roosters I have are very aggressive and they terrorize my grandkids. The last straw is getting my 19 month old grandson in the face. I am sad to say , they will be put down.

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