Baby Call Ducklings and adults Pastel and Bibbed males


11 Years
Oct 22, 2008
Georgetown, Ohio
My Coop
My Coop
6 baby call ducks. unsexed, straight run. adults are pastel and bibbed males for sale $15 each. bought from crossroads. they are show stock but I don't know what lines. colors in my flock are pastel, bibbed, and grey. shipping is $35 for 2 babies and up depending on amount purchased and includes box for babies and $60 for grown birds. ducklings are $5 each
6 baby call ducks. unsexed, straight run. adults are pastel and bibbed males for sale $15 each. bought from crossroads. they are show stock but I don't know what lines. colors in my flock are pastel, bibbed, and grey. shipping is $35 for 2 babies and up depending on amount purchased and includes box for babies and $60 for grown birds. ducklings are $5 each

Hey!! Would love to see pics of parents - definitely interested in babies :)
Got my 6 Little baby Call Ducklings today. Great deal.

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