Baby chick pecked by broody hen URGENT!

@MCchickies and @Farmgirl283420, don’t forget to post more photos as your babies grow! Would love to see how they’re doing. ❤️
Long awaited update Lol! Here’s pics of the chick! I think she’s a pullet not 100% sure tho! What do you think?


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Long awaited update Lol! Here’s pics of the chick! I think she’s a pullet not 100% sure tho! What do you think?
Awwwwwww 🥰❤️ So beautiful! Congratulations!! Looks like a pullet to me as well. I don’t see anything that says “cockerel”. Thank you so much for posting her photos! I hope to see more.
Awwwwwww 🥰❤️ So beautiful! Congratulations!! Looks like a pullet to me as well. I don’t see anything that says “cockerel”. Thank you so much for posting her photos! I hope to see more.
That makes me so happy!🥰 Surprisingly she’s still with mom, I tried to separate them but mama wasn’t happy. Hoping to integrate Chickie in with my other hen and rooster. They’ve been getting outside time together and so far no issues at all! 🤞🏻
That makes me so happy!🥰 Surprisingly she’s still with mom, I tried to separate them but mama wasn’t happy. Hoping to integrate Chickie in with my other hen and rooster. They’ve been getting outside time together and so far no issues at all! 🤞🏻
Wow, sounds like mama isn’t ready to let Chickie grow up. ❤️ I love her floofy little crest and cheeks. ☺️ She’s a real doll! Keep me updated. I ❤️ her.
I’ll keep you updated! Can’t wait to see what she looks like all grown up! ☺️
Awesome! That little sweetie is spoiled… obviously! ☺️ I have a girl like that too. My Evvie (she’s the one in my pfp) rules my life. Follows me everywhere!

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