Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone has had alot of issues with baby chicks dying that they bought at Tractor Supply? I keep seeing
posts on FB of different areas where people bought chicks and most or all are dying within the first week. We bought some at Rural King 13 Rainbow chicks, we lost one on the 2nd day, not too abnormal. We then bought 5 barred rock and 5 silver laced wyndotte straight run cause thats all they had, at Tractor Supply, as of today we have lost 5 of them. We have raised chickens for a long time, clear back to when I was a youngster and never had an issue like this before. We do all the things to make sure they have whats needed before they come home. Heat lamps, warm water with added probiotic and electrolytes, good medium pine shavings, chick starter feed etc. Was just wondering if anyone on here has noticed alot are not living after buying at a retailer. Thank you all in advance
I'm just wondering if anyone has had alot of issues with baby chicks dying that they bought at Tractor Supply? I keep seeing
posts on FB of different areas where people bought chicks and most or all are dying within the first week. We bought some at Rural King 13 Rainbow chicks, we lost one on the 2nd day, not too abnormal. We then bought 5 barred rock and 5 silver laced wyndotte straight run cause thats all they had, at Tractor Supply, as of today we have lost 5 of them. We have raised chickens for a long time, clear back to when I was a youngster and never had an issue like this before. We do all the things to make sure they have whats needed before they come home. Heat lamps, warm water with added probiotic and electrolytes, good medium pine shavings, chick starter feed etc. Was just wondering if anyone on here has noticed alot are not living after buying at a retailer. Thank you all in advance