Here is the video link of her.
I did try water therapy yesterday and she does pretty well. I’m going to do some more later today. These comments are really lifting my spirits:)
Trooper is going to heal and will likely be fine, although she may limp for a while or forever. I have a jumbo Pekin named Mae who injured herself at around the same age as Trooper. I gave her swimming therapy daily, and I also gave her the herb Comfrey as a tea to drink and mixed it in her swimming water. It took a couple weeks for her to get noticeably better, and I monitored her to make sure she was getting enough to eat. I also gave her liquid vitamin b complex from TSC every day until she was better. I used a syringe to draw it up and mixed it with a few tablespoons of dried meal worms just for her. Hmm...I will link you to my post. Brb. 😊
thank you everyone for the words of encouragement and helpful advice. A little update on Trooper, she has been making a remarkable recovery over the past day or two and can fully stand on her own now:) guess that just goes to show you that my veterinarian diagnosis skills for ducks is not the best. Here are some pictures of trooper and Quackers enjoying some outside time! I can’t thank y’all enough for the help ;)))


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