Baby duck is struggling to breath. HELP!!!

I don't know how much experience you have so please forgive me if I state the obvious. Ducklings need water deep enough to submerge their nares (nostrils). Is their water container deep enough for tthis? If not, can you provide one that is deep enough but that isn't so big the duckling can fall in it and drown?
That’s all right! Yes, their water container is deep enough.


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She seems a little more active now! and she’s been peeing more! It’s mostly the breathing I’m worried about now.
Of course. Anyone would be worried. It will help one of the experts if you could supply a video. You can upload it in YouTube amd then copy the link here. Van you do that while you wait?
Unfortunately, I don’t have YouTube or know how to download videos to it. I’m sorry.
When you mentioned you were giving them egg yolk... was it cooked? I only ask because salmonella is prevalent in some countries so it is recommended that the egg is cooked.
The egg was not cooked… the egg was form my chickens and none of them seem sick though. I was told to do this with one of my other ducklings previously.

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