Baby duck troubles! Bent leg and swollen face


This is the baby with the swollen cheek and the waterer that we have for them.

That is an infection...:(......Your water is dirty and Ducklings need to dunk their heads...Separate ASAP...:(.....Poor Duckling...

It's actually about 3.5 feet long and almost 2 feet wide. They just like to huddle together and I was trying to take closeup shots.


The brooder that is too small is the one for the chickens behind it. We are running out of big boxes. And our plastic tubs are too small.

Something needs to be changed... Move to the Coop....I hope it is large enough for them?......

It's actually about 3.5 feet long and almost 2 feet wide. They just like to huddle together and I was trying to take closeup shots.


The brooder that is too small is the one for the chickens behind it. We are running out of big boxes. And our plastic tubs are too small.

Its best to hang the heat lamp so that it is on one corner only.
Get a thermometer in there so you know the temps.
I brooded mine outdoors in the coop. That way they had lots of space and could get away from the heat when needed.
But for sure get a temperature reading today.
And get in a deeper water source asap.
I would go buy the apple cider vinegar asap too
Many people have had success with it clearing up infections on beaks and noses.
I havent seen one look that bad though. Poor little guy
Where in idaho are you?
Im in idaho too

It's actually about 3.5 feet long and almost 2 feet wide. They just like to huddle together and I was trying to take closeup shots.


The brooder that is too small is the one for the chickens behind it. We are running out of big boxes. And our plastic tubs are too small.

Its best to hang the heat lamp so that it is on one corner only.
Get a thermometer in there so you know the temps.
I brooded mine outdoors in the coop. That way they had lots of space and could get away from the heat when needed.
But for sure get a temperature reading today.
And get in a deeper water source asap.
I would go buy the apple cider vinegar asap too
Many people have had success with it clearing up infections on beaks and noses.
I havent seen one look that bad though. Poor little guy
Where in idaho are you?
Im in idaho too

Yeah...That Duckling almost appears to have an abscess from a chick picking it..:(
One thing to the Thread starter..:)......We are not trying to give you a hard time at all..:)....We would love to help you with this terrible situation they are in..:(......

No one blames you..we all learn as we go..:).....

Best wishes...
I was also thinking being they are in with the Chicks, the chicks could be pecking that Duckling..I would separate then ASAP....Deeper water bowls....

Best wishes..

No the chicks are in a different brooder. There is only one chick in with the ducklings, because the other chicks were pecking on her. She has been very content to live with the ducks peacefully. If anything the ducks have been picking on her rather than the other way around. She's lost most of her fluff and feathers from her backside, even with putting no-peck lotion on her. She's very much the underdog.
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I was also thinking being they are in with the Chicks, the chicks could be pecking that Duckling..I would separate then ASAP....Deeper water bowls....

Best wishes..:)

No the chicks are in a different brooder. There is only one chick in with the ducklings, because the other chicks were pecking on her. She has been very content to live with the ducks peacefully. If anything the ducks have been picking on her rather than the other way around. She's lost most of her fluff and feathers from her backside, even with putting no-peck lotion on her. She's very much the underdog.

Sorry and I do not want to sound harsh...:(....Your Brooders are way too small...Your not succeeding in raising either species...Changes need to be made...Your asking and I'm telling..;)....
A lot of assumptions have been made without asking for clarification.

The ducks and chicks are not together. Have never been together. The swelling is not from a wound, there is no visible wound on the outside at all. I started treatment immediately as soon as I found out I could not get Baytril and asked a vet if oxytetracycline would be safe for ducks. They said it was. It started out smaller than this - it looks much worse now. THUS THE REASON I'm asking for help. If it looked better I wouldn't need help, right? So oxytetracycline might be safe but it doesn't seem to actually be working.

Most of the research I read before posting here said this type of swelling is a sinus infection. We've got the deepest waterer we can give them without giving them a little mini pond to swim in. They are only a week and a half old. All the hatchery websites I've been to, and all the advice I've read says never to let baby ducklings get drenched or have access to swimming water before 4 weeks. They don't have the oils from their mother, so they get chilled. They also can get tired and drown. So we have not given them any pond-like bathing bowls. Not until they are 4 weeks. It amazes me how strong their instinct is to get in the water! They put their little feet in the water, and try their best to swim in it. They make a swampy mess out of their water in the first 2 minutes after we put it in their box.

We change their water 2 to 3 times a day, every day. We change their bedding twice a day. Again, please try not to assume that I'm a horrible person and never change their water. They are messy little creatures!

The automatic assumption that I didn't read anything at all before asking a question is frustrating. I have done a lot of research on it. I'm extra frustrated that the treatments that have been suggested that I'm trying are not working. I do appreciate the suggestions. You don't know everything I've read, I understand that. But I did try to post details about what I've tried.

I already have ACV. Haven't added it, wasn't sure if it would counteract the antibiotics in the water.

I do also add a vitamin supplement to their water that also contains niacin. I didn't want to overdose them. Does anyone know how much is too much?

I live in Nampa, ID. I don't like it here much. Wish we could move back to Oregon. We made a monumental mistake moving here. We've had several pets die since moving here. It has been heartbreaking. Never lost so many animals before we moved here. I always had good luck with animals before. When they were sick I've been able to treat them and help them get well. My success rate here has been less than stellar. Getting really tired of the high level of sickness and death we have experienced here. But we're here now. And spent all our money moving so we're stuck here for now.

Think I answered all the questions/comments that came in. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Something needs to be changed... Move to the Coop....I hope it is large enough for them?......

Large enough, yes, they have an entire orchard fenced in. But way too cold. And too windy here. We had 30 PMH winds yesterday. Talk about recipe for pneumonia for babies!

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