Baby finch first aid (approx 2 weeks old, severe heat exposure)

Like I said pinch the beak open and gently syringe some oats in the mouths.
I'm not sure I understand how to "pinch the beak open". I've tried to pinch from the sides and the break didn't seem to open at all. I also tried pulling the break open with my fingers but I didn't have finger nails so couldn't get a hold on the edge of the beak. I even tried using a thin piece of cardboard to slip between the top and bottom beaks and then rotate it to open them which sort of worked but I couldn't get the break to stay open to get food in after moving the cardboard out of the way. Of course, I've been very gentle with all of these attempts so maybe the pressure wasn't enough to "pinch the beak open"?

I also tried playing the sounds of house finch chicks eating which did get one of them to open it's mouth briefly and I got about 0.2ml in but then that chick closed it's beak and won't open it again...
I'm not sure I understand how to "pinch the beak open". I've tried to pinch from the sides and the break didn't seem to open at all. I also tried pulling the break open with my fingers but I didn't have finger nails so couldn't get a hold on the edge of the beak. I even tried using a thin piece of cardboard to slip between the top and bottom beaks and then rotate it to open them which sort of worked but I couldn't get the break to stay open to get food in after moving the cardboard out of the way. Of course, I've been very gentle with all of these attempts so maybe the pressure wasn't enough to "pinch the beak open"?

I also tried playing the sounds of house finch chicks eating which did get one of them to open it's mouth briefly and I got about 0.2ml in but then that chick closed it's beak and won't open it again...
The one you fed should be fine for little while.
Can you kinda grab the beak pull it open and keep your finger inside the beak while feeding it?
Or kinda push the syringe into the beak?
The one you fed should be fine for little while.
Can you kinda grab the beak pull it open and keep your finger inside the beak while feeding it?
Even my pinkie finger would be too big. They're so tiny!... Plus, I can't seem to get their beaks open in the first place at the moment.
Even my pinkie finger would be too big. They're so tiny!... Plus, I can't seem to get their beaks open in the first place at the moment.
Okay maybe we should wait a little while till that get hungry. ๐Ÿฅฐ
Even my pinkie finger would be too big. They're so tiny!... Plus, I can't seem to get their beaks open in the first place at the moment.
Well, we're up to three finch chicks... Another one climbed out of the same nest that the second one had come from. The newcomer was still doing the open beaked panting thing when I picked him up so I fed him about 0.5ml and his crop looks medium full so I'm leaving him alone for now while he cools down a little.

Now that I have a frame of reference for what a finch chick crop looks like with food in it, I am quite certain that the other two are empty... I'll keep trying to feed them every 15-30 minutes and see if we get some success.

Quick question: the newcomer looks younger (smaller and no pin feathers on his head yet) despite coming from the same nest as the second one. Do finches sometimes hatch chicks at different times? Or might the newcomer be the runt of his hatch?
Well, we're up to three finch chicks... Another one climbed out of the same nest that the second one had come from. The newcomer was still doing the open beaked panting thing when I picked him up so I fed him about 0.5ml and his crop looks medium full so I'm leaving him alone for now while he cools down a little.

Now that I have a frame of reference for what a finch chick crop looks like with food in it, I am quite certain that the other two are empty... I'll keep trying to feed them every 15-30 minutes and see if we get some success.
Glad the new one ate! Hope you get some success!
Quick question: the newcomer looks younger (smaller and no pin feathers on his head yet) despite coming from the same nest as the second one. Do finches sometimes hatch chicks at different times? Or might the newcomer be the runt of his hatch?
Some hatch later and are layed later then there siblings.๐Ÿ™‚
Glad the new one ate! Hope you get some success!

Some hatch later and are layed later then there siblings.๐Ÿ™‚
The newcomer has let me feed him twice now which is good because he's the smallest/youngest one. However the two oldest still steadfastly refuse to open their beaks... They otherwise seem ok and keep climbing up the walls of the box and nesting material and occasionally cheeping so I'll just keep trying. When the little one feeds the other two come over like they're interested, but they won't open their beaks. Maybe they'll figure it out with repetition.
The newcomer has let me feed him twice now which is good because he's the smallest/youngest one. However the two oldest still steadfastly refuse to open their beaks... They otherwise seem ok and keep climbing up the walls of the box and nesting material and occasionally cheeping so I'll just keep trying. When the little one feeds the other two come over like they're interested, but they won't open their beaks. Maybe they'll figure it out with repetition.
that's good to hear about the little one! Keep trying for the other two. Hopefully they will get hungry and open their beaks.

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