Baby quail brooder setup

Yeah, it does look like it may be from aggression. They do usually go for eyes. I'm not sure if you can watch and see who the aggressor is, but that's what I would try to do (possibly a male without pecked eyes?) There's a chance it could be a female, too. I don't know what your ratios are now, but maybe closer to 1:5 would help the issue.

I always try to separate the instigator from the flock, but still within sight, so the hierarchy isn't affected too much and see if they mellow out. They are all still fairly young, too, so hopefully their hormones will mellow with maturity. If they aren't doing too much damage, leaving them together might be fine, too; I think it's your call. I had boys that did this to each other this year, and now they are fine.

I didn't cull anyone, but I separated out the meanie for awhile. He's calmed down. (It's not breeding season over here anymore, though, and there aren't any girls with them right now.)
Thank you, it's a relief knowing it's not a disease because I had the worst experience with chickens lately, thanks for the helpful information as usual you're amazing, I'll try to keep an eye for the aggressive ones
Thank you, it's a relief knowing it's not a disease because I had the worst experience with chickens lately, thanks for the helpful information as usual you're amazing, I'll try to keep an eye for the aggressive ones
I hope the chicken problems get resolved! You have been really nice to talk with and I hope I've helped a little! I'm glad it sounds like your quail are doing well besides being a bit feisty (typical quail). 😊

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