Baby Sebright has sniffles


Jun 13, 2022
I'm chick-sitting two babies for my friend for a week, a Barred Rock and a Silver Sebright.
I noticed yesterday that the sebright kept doing little gasps for air, although otherwise looked normal. Today she's gasping a lot less, but she did sneeze and some clear stuff came out of her nostrils.
I was contemplating putting some fresh oregano in their water/food, I've heard about all the good things it does for respiratory systems. Should I? These are my friend's first chickens and I want to do the absolute best things I can do for them.
Have you put her in a new coop with new plywood or caulk? Those off-gassing will cause that. Have you put cedar shavings in her bedding? That is a big no-no for avians, who are sensitive to aromatics. Just sneezing may be a reaction to something, not an illness...unless you see snot/discharge. Then you may have a problem. Even chicks can have mycoplasmosis. It's why I never allow other birds around mine, nor do I buy any started birds from anyone. Probably not a good idea to put them around your own birds. They may be contagious.
Have you put her in a new coop with new plywood or caulk? Those off-gassing will cause that.
No offgassing items even in the area.
Have you put cedar shavings in her bedding? That is a big no-no for avians, who are sensitive to aromatics.
I have wood shavings in their brooder, but the brand I get isn't very helpful in telling me what kind of wood they use. Just says 'softwood shavings'. Although I've used them for years now without any issues. They don't give off a strong smell.
Just sneezing may be a reaction to something, not an illness...unless you see snot/discharge. Then you may have a problem. Even chicks can have mycoplasmosis. It's why I never allow other birds around mine, nor do I buy any started birds from anyone.
I see clear mucus whenever she sneezes. What should I do? Will Electrolytes, Selenium, ACV or Oregano help?
Probably not a good idea to put them around your own birds. They may be contagious.
They are nowhere near my other chickens. They're just in a plastic bin with food, water, and a brooder plate. Not planning to move them anywhere until my friend picks them up.
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The mucus is concerning to me. ACV in small amounts in water is not bad for them. I make ACV tea when I feel at all congested or under the weather. Electrolytes are fine in small amounts. Oregano oil is one ingredient of the Vet Rx symptom reliever, like Vicks for chickens. However, it is only a symptom reliever, not a cure for anything. I'm glad they're not near your birds, be sure to wash your hands after handling them. All you can do is supportive care in lieu of actually knowing or finding out the issue. Sneezing alone is rarely a problem. Mine sneeze when they get a lot of dust up their nares or when a grain goes down the wrong pipe, so to speak. Many causes for that. Just do the best you can and keep any germs away from your flock.
If the shavings were cedar, they'd have a reddish cast and definitely a strong smell so they're likely just pine or other softwood.
You want the oregano to help her fight against whatever is ailing her. The Vetrx will help clear her respiratory system and help her fight the sickness. Hope your baby will be okay!
Give her some oregano! It builds the immune system. Also give her some vetrx to help with the respiratory system.
You want the oregano to help her fight against whatever is ailing her. The Vetrx will help clear her respiratory system and help her fight the sickness. Hope your baby will be okay!
Thank you! I offered her fresh oregano but she didn't like the taste, so I crushed a few leaves with some water and dropper fed it to her. We'll see if that helps.

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