back again still need help


5 Years
Jun 5, 2019
I have a 2 year old hen. She is breathing with her mouth open. Her whole body moves with each breath. No other symptoms. checked her vent, checked her crop, no runny nose no noise coming from her throat, no gapeworm. She WAS eating and drinking. But now, she just stirs the bowl of food with her beak and doesn't take anything in. Her crop yesterday was really small and squishy with barely any food in it. But her crop was empty this morning.

She isn't laying eggs and hasn't for a couple months.

Since she isn't eating, she is no longer pooping, but her poop was pretty dark at the time. She is looking pretty pathetic and I and I don't know what I can do for her.

She was on a round of tylan and she did not improve. She is currently on corid with the rest of the flock due to another hen being ill. She is still walking around, but rests a lot and lays down away from everyone else (except she actually lays next to the other ill hen)

Is it possible it is aspergillosis?

I am sorry for making another post, but I need help.
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I was thinking the same thing about feeling the abdomen. I have had 2 hens with water belly and was able to drain some liquids out. Both are fine but I know it can return and most likely will. I have lost 2 other hens that went from impacted crop to sour crop. I tried so hard to follow whatever instructions and videos I could find. I read that sour crop is very hard to treat. And I lost both battles. I had another with impacted crop but at least 3 or 4 times a day, I massaged her crop and gave her coconut oil. It finally corrected itself after a few weeks of isolation.
All three of my chickens strained to breath and the 2 that died wouldn’t eat or drink anything. I was thinking maybe that is the problem with your chicken…water belly
I was thinking the same thing about feeling the abdomen. I have had 2 hens with water belly and was able to drain some liquids out. Both are fine but I know it can return and most likely will. I have lost 2 other hens that went from impacted crop to sour crop. I tried so hard to follow whatever instructions and videos I could find. I read that sour crop is very hard to treat. And I lost both battles. I had another with impacted crop but at least 3 or 4 times a day, I massaged her crop and gave her coconut oil. It finally corrected itself after a few weeks of isolation.
All three of my chickens strained to breath and the 2 that died wouldn’t eat or drink anything. I was thinking maybe that is the problem with your chicken…water belly
I don't know how to upload a video on youtube. It is just her breathing with her mouth open. I also noticed that there has been no poop at all in the morning where she roosts, so she is not eating much at all. I will see her eat some snacks and grab a few bites here and there, and that is all. I will look into water belly and see what I need to look for. I feel like she is slowly dying of starvation at this point, and NOW I have a rooster with wry neck. When does it end? I am at the point, where I am not getting any new chickens because this has been so stressful.
I don't know how to upload a video on youtube. It is just her breathing with her mouth open. I also noticed that there has been no poop at all in the morning where she roosts, so she is not eating much at all. I will see her eat some snacks and grab a few bites here and there, and that is all. I will look into water belly and see what I need to look for. I feel like she is slowly dying of starvation at this point, and NOW I have a rooster with wry neck. When does it end? I am at the point, where I am not getting any new chickens because this has been so stressful.
For YouTube, in search type in water belly.
For YouTube, in search type in water belly.
Water belly is basically caused by overeating and the liver begins draining fluids into the stomach. They tend to waddle when walking. At first I thought she was just fat. Then I realized her lower legs were barely seen when she walked. Thank God for backyard chickens who told me to check her belly. If her crop feels squishy in the morning, it could be the sour crop. YouTube also has videos on those too. Good luck.
The crop should normally be empty in the morning. Offer some favorite foods, and check in just before she goes to bed when it should be full. Have you tried to offer some mushy wet feed? They usually go for scrambled eggs or tuna, and the wet feed is good. Since she has not been laying, at 2 years old, she may be suffering from some laying disorder. Salpingitis (inflammation of the oviduct,) internal laying, and egg yolk peritonitis are common ones. Cancer is also found, and ascites or water belly may be a result of any of those. Is her tail position down or up? If you can get a good picture of her normal droppings that would be good. I also wound consider worming her with SafeGuard liquid Goat wormer 1.25 ml orally for 5 consecutive days, which will get all possible chicken worms except tapeworms. Worms can cause digestive and breathing problems.
The crop should normally be empty in the morning. Offer some favorite foods, and check in just before she goes to bed when it should be full. Have you tried to offer some mushy wet feed? They usually go for scrambled eggs or tuna, and the wet feed is good. Since she has not been laying, at 2 years old, she may be suffering from some laying disorder. Salpingitis (inflammation of the oviduct,) internal laying, and egg yolk peritonitis are common ones. Cancer is also found, and ascites or water belly may be a result of any of those. Is her tail position down or up? If you can get a good picture of her normal droppings that would be good. I also wound consider worming her with SafeGuard liquid Goat wormer 1.25 ml orally for 5 consecutive days, which will get all possible chicken worms except tapeworms. Worms can cause digestive and breathing problems.
Thank you. Her crop is empty in the morning. Her tail is down. Not crazy down, but down enough for me to notice. They were dewormed a few weeks ago. I have literally tried everything. She has been on like 4 different medications. I am now fogging her with oxine. I can't get a picture of her dropping because I have 14 chickens and a full time job. The only way I could get a picture is in the morning, and she is no longer pooping at night. Do you think a good warm salt water soak would help?
If she spent the night in a dog crate on a towel or dog crate, she might poop during the night. Tuna, ground meat or scrambled egg bits can sometimes tempt them to eat. Mushy wet feed is best for her when she begins to eat better. Tube feed ping twice a day is fairly easy to learn if you are interested. It takes less than 5 minutes to do if you have everything ready. I understand that it can be hard to deal with a sick hen who may be duping when you have to be at work. Getting a weight on her to see how much she is losing would be a good thing. Does she have a swollen lower belly?

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