I've never had hatchery laced brahmas, so I can't tell the difference.( I can't upload a photo because my wifi is HORRIBLE.) Their lacing looks good. They all have orange feet-- that's normal, right?--the silver laced had a couple roosters last year. They look just like the rooster I'm selling.
They are 2 but they're still laying really good.
$45 for all four of them. The chicks are mixed, so I just tossed them in the deal cause i don't need them.
It's just a lady who wants a little backyard flock for eggs. She isn't planning on showing them I don't think, but if she did I think they're pretty nice quality.
If someone could post a pic of a SQ and a non-SQ that would be great
I don't know that there are any truly show quality birds in the laced varieties just yet. About the time I think I am getting there, going to a big show and seeing the size of truly show quality lights puts it in perspective.
These are some illustrations of what show quality Brahmas should be built like.
These are some of mine.