Bad boy bit me

yes, almost every night for 4 months. He sits at the pc with me for as long as 15 mins, or on the couch watching tv, he sits right in my lap. He has sat on the couch by himself too.
Aw thats so adorable! No poop!? I bring my hen in for 5 minutes and I get 10 poops! Possible the hormones are kicking in wich is sad, still try to hang out with him just be carefull! Give him some treaties!
Aw thats so adorable! No poop!? I bring my hen in for 5 minutes and I get 10 poops! Possible the hormones are kicking in wich is sad, still try to hang out with him just be carefull! Give him some treaties!
He has yet to poop in the living room or in my pc room. But we only stay in for about 15 mins. I love him so yeah I will hang out with him as much as he allows. He will get some blueberries or watermelon tomorrow, he will always be my buddy, but now we have a different mindset. I can't be bitten, I heal slowly, as I am diabetic.
He has yet to poop in the living room or in my pc room. But we only stay in for about 15 mins. I love him so yeah I will hang out with him as much as he allows. He will get some blueberries or watermelon tomorrow, he will always be my buddy, but now we have a different mindset. I can't be bitten, I heal slowly, as I am diabetic.
Aw, good luck with him! Hopefully you can get him back!
Often times, sadly, the cockerels that are friendly and cuddly babies, turn into monsters as they mature. I find the best ones tend to be more stand offish, move out of my way (that is a sign of respect) and give me space, from early on. Those are usually the keepers in my flock. Even a small bantam that is aggressive and disrespectful can make chicken keeping unpleasant, or even dangerous. You need to not have him near your face (imagine if that had been your eye), and as his spurs come in, those will become another weapon that he may use. Being spurred once is more than enough. Be careful with him, I would hate for you to really be injured. The 'wing dance' is intended to woo his hens, but it is also a display of dominance over them and over other boys. He's trying to dominate you, and it's really not cute.
It's awful to get bitten by a former sweetie, I'm so sorry. I love, but try to never trust, a rooster or cockerel. Consider how they treat hens and pullets. Favorite hens are often missing feathers on the head and back, and are sometimes sliced by a clumsy claw or spur. What passes for love among chickens is often quite rough and by human standards, unpleasant and unacceptable. Whether they mean they see you as a threat, a subordinate, or a mating opportunity, it's all pretty likely to cause injury and it's best to never turn your back or let your guard down.

I wish there were a surefire way to set human appropriate boundaries with a rooster, but I've never managed it. I do still love and enjoy them, but at a bit of a distance and with a mostly hands off approach. I hope you and your buddy find the right balance. Stay safe ❤️
Often times, sadly, the cockerels that are friendly and cuddly babies, turn into monsters as they mature. I find the best ones tend to be more stand offish, move out of my way (that is a sign of respect) and give me space, from early on. Those are usually the keepers in my flock. Even a small bantam that is aggressive and disrespectful can make chicken keeping unpleasant, or even dangerous. You need to not have him near your face (imagine if that had been your eye), and as his spurs come in, those will become another weapon that he may use. Being spurred once is more than enough. Be careful with him, I would hate for you to really be injured. The 'wing dance' is intended to woo his hens, but it is also a display of dominance over them and over other boys. He's trying to dominate you, and it's really not cute.
I never allow any of them close to my face because I have always heard and seen stories of facial attacks. Thank you for the advice, I will definitely keep this in mind. He has a brother who has to be kept in another run and coop as he beat the brakes off him 2 months ago, and they fight, and talk to one another between the fences, someone told me they were game fowls, not sure if thats true. I care deeply for these two boys and don't want to get rid of them but would if they were killers of the hens or get to aggressive towards humans. I know his brother has never let me hold him except when he was tiny. I let him free range and he will meet me anywhere I may walk to and walk around with me just a-talking. He hates Buddy with a passion but I know he is going to be a good protector for my hen chicks.

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