Bad chick or bored? Name help.


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2016

This is the only Mille Fleur cochin bantam from smooth eggs to hatch. I believe it's a roo. He has plucked a few feathers from my silver laced cochin bantam chicks. He runs around the brood trying to make sure no one takes it from him. It seems to be my little 'runt' silver laced each time and she chases him like she's really mad. I'm sure I'm feeding them enough protein so I don't think it's that. None of my chicks look as though they're suffering from feather picking at least not yet. Any suggestions on how to get him to stop before it becomes a bigger problem? He also doesn't have a name yet. I've named the others but can't seem to think of a good name for him. He's really sweet natured and a bit shy but he's very easy to hold and pet. All of my bantam will let me hold them and are sweet and calm. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks <3
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That brood is 3x3. It has 1 frizzled Mille Fleur cochin, 3 smooth Mille Fleur cochin (2 from frizzled eggs), and 3 silver laced cochins. All are cochin bantam totaling 7 at 5.5wks. All same hatch.
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Too small a brooder for 7 chicks, even if they are bantams. 5 week old bantams need about 2 sq ft per chick. By 6 weeks old, they will need about 4 sq ft. They outgrew that brooder last week. They are beginning to establish their pecking order at that age, and that means they need space.
Too small a brooder for 7 chicks, even if they are bantams. 5 week old bantams need about 2 sq ft per chick. By 6 weeks old, they will need about 4 sq ft. They outgrew that brooder last week. They are beginning to establish their pecking order at that age, and that means they need space.
Ditto Dat^^^
Your little tyrant could use a bit of discipline. Set yourself up to watch the chicks for a certain period, to be repeated at intervals for a couple days.
When you see junior go after his target, give him a quick poke on his back. Do this each time he even so much as looks like he's going to snatch a feather.

This works nine times out of ten, usually curtailing the bad behavior in just a couple days of discipline.

For more details about this method and for more ideas on how to prevent this sort of behavior, read my article on aggressive chicks linked below this post.
Junebuggena, I already have 2 brooders set up inside. lol I have 2 more brooders though. Their coop and run is built but they aren't completely feathered out yet and the temp here has been cold this weekend. I'll get another one set up tomorrow and see if I can figure out how to put them together to make one large.

Azygous, thank you for your advice I will try that. I spend a lot of time with them everyday and I hold each one for about 10 minutes a few times a day and pet them. This little booger has done this everytime I turn my back to walk off. I would love to read your article but I don't see the link. Please post it again or type slower when you tell me where it's at. Haha, I can be really thick at times.

Chickies49, yep he looks like an Archie! So Archie it is going to be.

Thank you all so much for your help. <3
Junebuggena, I already have 2 brooders set up inside. lol I have 2 more brooders though. Their coop and run is built but they aren't completely feathered out yet and the temp here has been cold this weekend. I'll get another one set up tomorrow and see if I can figure out how to put them together to make one large.

Azygous, thank you for your advice I will try that. I spend a lot of time with them everyday and I hold each one for about 10 minutes a few times a day and pet them. This little booger has done this everytime I turn my back to walk off. I would love to read your article but I don't see the link. Please post it again or type slower when you tell me where it's at. Haha, I can be really thick at times.

Chickies49, yep he looks like an Archie! So Archie it is going to be.

Thank you all so much for your help. <3
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I've used this with success for aggressive chick...time out cell made of 1/2" hardware cloth.
Placed right over chick in brooder for periods of 10-30 minutes....might take multiple time outs.
He's playing keep away. My chicks usually use a piece of shaving to play keep away with. You could give him something in place of the feathers such as a piece of greens, like kale or arugula, maybe a macaroni.

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