Bad chick or bored? Name help.

He's playing keep away. My chicks usually use a piece of shaving to play keep away with. You could give him something in place of the feathers such as a piece of greens, like kale or arugula, maybe a macaroni.

this is my thought also. Yes, they sound like they need more space, but they also need something to do. Baby animals are wired to play social dominance games from the start, pretty much, and they need toys to do so. If you don't provide them, they'll make their own.
They have shavings but unfortunately I pull it out of their mouth anytime I see it. I was afraid they would swallow it. Bad me. I just gave them some spring mix and as usual they freaked out unless I broke it into small pieces. They're huddled in a corner waiting for me to remove it or break it up. I'll try waiting it out this time. lol

We'll also get them into more room this evening when my hubby gets home. I'm thinking even if I put the other two brooders together it won't give them much more room. Those brooders are actually lab cages and are only 2x3. I have 3 but loaned one out. It looks like we'll just make the hardware screen and sit it over a piece for plywood. I have 2 spare bedrooms so i can jist take a bed apart and put them in one of those until im ready to put them outside. Maybe a little taller with no top. I let them fly up from the brooder to my arm. That's probably not a good idea but they haven't tried to get out so far.

Kung Pau that's funny. Haha Thank you all for your suggestions.

Janet Marie, Donrae, and Aart, I tend to agree with you. He's such a little sweetie it's hard to see him just being mean. Just checked on them and they've eaten all the lettuce and resting. lol I am on my cell so thank you for posting the link for me.
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They have shavings but unfortunately I pull it out of their mouth anytime I see it. I was afraid they would swallow it. Bad me. I just gave them some spring mix and as usual they freaked out unless I broke it into small pieces. They're huddled in a corner waiting for me to remove it or break it up. I'll try waiting it out this time. lol

We'll also get them into more room this evening when my hubby gets home. I'm thinking even if I put the other two brooders together it won't give them much more room. Those brooders are actually lab cages and are only 2x3. I have 3 but loaned one out. It looks like we'll just make the hardware screen and sit it over a piece for plywood. I have 2 spare bedrooms so i can jist take a bed apart and put them in one of those until im ready to put them outside. Maybe a little taller with no top. I let them fly up from the brooder to my arm. That's probably not a good idea but they haven't tried to get out so far.

Kung Pau that's funny. Haha Thank you all for your suggestions.

Janet Marie, Donrae, and Aart, I tend to agree with you. He's such a little sweetie it's hard to see him just being mean. Just checked on them and they've eaten all the lettuce and resting. lol I am on my cell so thank you for posting the link for me.
I try:)

Maybe this has been covered.....but if they are eating anything besides chick feed, like the lettuce, they need chick sized grit to digest it.
Give them some plain cooked spaghetti noodles. It will be hilarious!

Not too much, and break into small pieces. Grit is good, also. But I think they just need something to shake things up. Animals are designed to spend most of their day finding food and safety. When we provide those things literally on a plate, they're bored and need something to occupy their minds.
Thank you Aart, no I didn't know I needed to do that. (Actually i think i just forgot) I have a hi uge bag of grit with different size. I'll sift some out for them and start out sprinkling it over their food before giving it to them free choice.

Haha Donrae, I'll give them some cooked plain speghetti tomorrow. Can't wait to see what they do. Just got them all to bed and they're down for the night mostly. lol

Thank you all for the advice. And especially the grit advice. It would be heart breaking to me if something happened to my little babies. These are the sweetest little chicks. My husband was raised around a lot of chickens and told me he's never seen any with such sweet dispositions. I think it has a lot to do with how much time you spend.

My oldest chickens were 8 weeks old when I got them but they are sweeties to. Originally, I got them for eggs but fell inlove. I didn't realize just how big they would get and didn't build their run large enough. Once they reached laying eggs 2 of them started to be come aggressive and I realized it was space related. So I found them a good home with a neighbor and she had 3 chickens but her run was much larger than mine. I can visit and they were able to add them to their flock immediately and they have all gotten along perfectly. Not long after that I was struck with chicken fever and started expanding. Now I have 12 chicks inside and only 3 outside. lol I'm sure it's only gonna get worse hanging out with all you guys! <3 Thanks againď
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Thank you Aart, no I didn't know I needed to do that. (Actually i think i just forgot) I have a huge bag of grit with different size. I'll sift some out for them and start out sprinkling it over their food before giving it to them free choice.

Haha Donrae, I'll give them some cooked plain speghetti tomorrow. Can't wait to see what they do. Just got them all to bed and they're down for the night mostly. lol

Thank you all for the advice. And especially the grit advice. It would be heart breaking to me if something happened to my little babies. These are the sweetest little chicks. My husband was raised around a lot of chickens and told me he's never seen any with such sweet dispositions. I think it has a lot to do with how much time you spend.

My oldest chickens were 8 weeks old when I got them but they are sweeties to. Originally, I got them for eggs but fell inlove. I didn't realize just how big they would get and didn't build their run large enough. Once they reached laying eggs 2 of them started to be come aggressive and I realized it was space related. So I found them a good home with a neighbor and she had 3 chickens but her run was much larger than mine. I can visit and they were able to add them to their flock immediately and they have all gotten along perfectly. Not long after that I was struck with chicken fever and started expanding. Now I have 12 chicks inside and only 3 outside. lol I'm sure it's only gonna get worse hanging out with all you guys! <3 Thanks againď
That'll work, it's how I got my latest batch of chick grit.

Hopefully you have greatly enlarged your chicken housing before you got these chicks?

This is the only Mille Fleur cochin bantam from smooth eggs to hatch. I believe it's a roo. He has plucked a few feathers from my silver laced cochin bantam chicks. He runs around the brood trying to make sure no one takes it from him. It seems to be my little 'runt' silver laced each time and she chases him like she's really mad. I'm sure I'm feeding them enough protein so I don't think it's that. None of my chicks look as though they're suffering from feather picking at least not yet. Any suggestions on how to get him to stop before it becomes a bigger problem? He also doesn't have a name yet. I've named the others but can't seem to think of a good name for him. He's really sweet natured and a bit shy but he's very easy to hold and pet. All of my bantam will let me hold them and are sweet and calm. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks <3

That brood is 3x3. It has 1 frizzled Mille Fleur cochin, 3 smooth Mille Fleur cochin (2 from frizzled eggs), and 3 silver laced cochins. All are cochin bantam totaling 7 at 5.5wks. All same hatch.
Welcome to BYC. I glanced through the posts to get the gist of what folks are saying, but did not read word for word. Just some thoughts. Are the chicks completely off heat? Does your schedule allow you to take them outside? If your coop and run are completed, I'd stick them in that every day. But, at this age, you're gonna want that run covered. If the rest of the chicks in that brood look like your little tyrant, they are plenty well feathered enough to move outside. I live in Maine, At that stage of feathering, my chicks would be completely weaned off from heat. (I use a heating pad cave and brood them right outside) they would be working on integrating with my adult flock. The temps at which I have chicks of that age in the spring range from 20 - 40 at night, and 40 - 60 during the day. You can give them a huddle box to snuggle in at night, but don't let them use the nest boxes for that purpose. Do a subject search for "huddle box". For your younger set, the more room they have, the better. I like to give my chicks 2 - 4 s.f. per bird by the time they are 3 weeks old. It prevents a lot of behavioral problems and helps their development. They will also benefit from a plug of sod from your yard, starting in the first week. But be sure that sod has not been treated with any insecticides or herbicides.

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