
13 Years
May 21, 2008
Tonight I went to put the girls in and my favorite EE has been brutalized by the others. She was dripping blood from her tail feathers and her back looks like it has been scalped. Darn girls can't they just get along. Anyway all I have on hand is bag balm, I use it for the dogs and horses in the past, will this help her at all until I can order some hot/anti pick or something????
Thanks in advance
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See if you can locate dlhunicorn and PM her and ask her. She knows TONS about what to use. Maybe she will be on before long and can help you out. I personally don't see what it would hurt but I have never used it before! Hope you find out soon. Good luck!
I completely understand the unhappy hen! I had to treat a Silver Seabright hen and roo with pneumonia and they were quarantined to a 3*2 cage and the dear girl fussed and fussed the entire time! I just released them into their personal new 8*8 enclosure today and you would have thought it was a mansion! She was happy as could be!
Whatever you put on there, be sure the area is very, very clean.
Until you know for sure, she would probably do best in a warm bath. Use soap and water and dry her really well.
Good luck!
The bag balm won't stop them picking - I'm pretty sure its tastless and has no particular smell either.

If she's nice and clean, I'd use the neosporin for now, till you can get something else, it won't stop the picking either... but it will help kill off germs and such.
wash the area well, if there are open sores, you can dab on diluted betadine, or iodine..but the red will attract the others to peck..
if they are surface sores, and not can use peroxide to clean..then neosporin.

some use Blue-Kote..found at livestock's a blue/purple anti-infectant spray that keeps flies away from sores and the blue color discourages pecking..
but it does stain so wear gloves and be careful not to get it on yourself.
it will also stain the feathers..
but lots of people use it..
there are also anti-pick sprays..try McMurray Hatchery...they have it..

maybe a feed/farm store such as TSC would have it...

if you opt for the anti-pick spray..clean and treat any wounds with neosporin before applying..

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