Bald Butts

The coop has a run and can house 14 chickens comfortably we have six, there is a roosting bars and it’s just been brutal
We really need measurements and photos. What one person considers "enough space for 14" is what another would consider too tight, too barren, etc.

Since you don't seem to want to post your specifics, this is the clutter thread: - this is the type of "junk" we recommend for keeping chickens occupied and to provide hiding spots.
This is our setup and we have and just added some things to make them happy. Toys that dispense treats and I just treated all their butts with pine tar. The good news is I seem to be keeping their butts infection free for now and covering them up with blue coat. I hope the pine tar really stops the pecking now that I did that. We are doing all that we can to stop it.

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