Balsy fox


Aug 19, 2022
Hi y’all. I have a question and or am looking for advice about a fox issue. Tuesday I lost three girls in the middle of the afternoon. Just completely disappeared. We live in the middle of the woods haven’t had any issues this year since the trees have been fully leaved. Hawks were a huge problem last year. I came home yesterday let everyone out while I started searching the yard for a den or evidence of a hawk attack. When I was no more than 50 ft away a fox and her kits attacked my flock. My roo Juan and I started chasing them. It was absolute chaos. I was terrified for everyone, chickens went every which way. I was trying to get the girls to safety and couldn’t run fast enough. They got Juan 😭 I am devastated and really at a loss for what to do. We finished their run this year and while it’s plenty big the girls are loosing their minds pacing like caged tigers and making the biggest fuss. They’ve only ever had free range. Does anyone have experience with this? How long will it take for them to settle in? I know I’m protecting them but keeping them locked up feels wrong (i know it’s not, just emotions ya know?) Is getting an electrified fence worth the cost? Will it keep the fox out? Also I can’t kill the fox. Nor do I want to. I just want to keep it from killing my gang. We have 3 acres but we sit in the middle of 200. I’m not sure anything I do will keep them safe. We’ve suffered hawks/coyotes/weasels/fox. We’ve on been here 8 months. I feel like it’s loose loose


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Hi y’all. I have a question and or am looking for advice about a fox issue. Tuesday I lost three girls in the middle of the afternoon. Just completely disappeared. We live in the middle of the woods haven’t had any issues this year since the trees have been fully leaved. Hawks were a huge problem last year. I came home yesterday let everyone out while I started searching the yard for a den or evidence of a hawk attack. When I was no more than 50 ft away a fox and her kits attacked my flock. My roo Juan and I started chasing them. It was absolute chaos. I was terrified for everyone, chickens went every which way. I was trying to get the girls to safety and couldn’t run fast enough. They got Juan 😭 I am devastated and really at a loss for what to do. We finished their run this year and while it’s plenty big the girls are loosing their minds pacing like caged tigers and making the biggest fuss. They’ve only ever had free range. Does anyone have experience with this? How long will it take for them to settle in? I know I’m protecting them but keeping them locked up feels wrong (i know it’s not, just emotions ya know?) Is getting an electrified fence worth the cost? Will it keep the fox out? Also I can’t kill the fox. Nor do I want to. I just want to keep it from killing my gang. We have 3 acres but we sit in the middle of 200. I’m not sure anything I do will keep them safe. We’ve suffered hawks/coyotes/weasels/fox. We’ve on been here 8 months. I feel like it’s loose loose
Oh gosh, that sounds horrific what you and Juan did to try save your chickens. I am so sorry for your loss of him. I bet your surviving ones were in shock for days or will be for some time. Now add to that, being kept in a run they aren't used to. You'd think they'd feel safer now though. I'd be giving them some vitamin water to help with their stress.

Could you provide supervised free-ranging when you're out in your yard or could be for like an hour or two per day? You'd need to get them to come back in with offers of some treat you know they love.

As for the electric fence, instead, could you get some 1/2" hardware cloth to go around your pen? It's pricey, and you'd have to do the whole thing, top to bottom but then, nothing outside of a bear could get in.
It sounds like they're coming regularly. I'd use that to my advantage and shoot the fox. That's me though. I understand that not everyone wants to go that route.
Beautiful property, and beautiful coop!
I’m so sorry for Juan and the chaos earlier 😭

I don’t really have foxes here. But when the raccoons found one of my escape artist Khaki Campbell ducks outside of the yard- she disappeared without a single trace.

The next night, one (raccoon) came back, climbed the yard fence, pried an opening between the side and top cover for the yard, and tried to haul off one of my largest welsh harlequin hens.

I happened to be outside on that rainy night. I ran up and chased off the coon- my hen was injured but ok.

We ended up having to dispatch 3 coons before they stopped trying to breach the run. Hated to do it, but was not willing to give up my flock to the predators!
It was a couple of weeks before I felt comfortable letting them range again, even when I was home.

Once the predators know where an easy meal can be found, it is -very- hard to deter them IMO.

If you are completely unwilling to dispatch them, I understand.

Is your fencing in the “yard” buried underground?
Vertical or horizontal?
How deep/far out?

Foxes are savvy! You are going to need a fortress to keep them out :/

Hopefully your fencing is buried fairly deep, and you can add some 12-18” wide (framed) hardware cloth panels around the outside of the yard perimeter, weighted down w rocks, bricks, etc- to make it harde for them / prevent them from digging under.

They won’t pass up an easy meal.
I wish you and yours flock the best-
It’s a hard decision to make for sure 💕
Oh gosh, that sounds horrific what you and Juan did to try save your chickens. I am so sorry for your loss of him. I bet your surviving ones were in shock for days or will be for some time. Now add to that, being kept in a run they aren't used to. You'd think they'd feel safer now though. I'd be giving them some vitamin water to help with their stress.

Could you provide supervised free-ranging when you're out in your yard or could be for like an hour or two per day? You'd need to get them to come back in with offers of some treat you know they love.

As for the electric fence, instead, could you get some 1/2" hardware cloth to go around your pen? It's pricey, and you'd have to do the whole thing, top to bottom but then, nothing outside of a bear could get in.
I was out with them when the fox attacked. I have hardware cloth around their run and buried 2 feet around the perimeter. It’s 24 x12. They are just used to free ranging 3 acres and are loosing their minds 😭Definitely in shock. I’ve been giving them xtra protein but will start with the vitamins 💜 thank you
Beautiful property, and beautiful coop!
I’m so sorry for Juan and the chaos earlier 😭

I don’t really have foxes here. But when the raccoons found one of my escape artist Khaki Campbell ducks outside of the yard- she disappeared without a single trace.

The next night, one (raccoon) came back, climbed the yard fence, pried an opening between the side and top cover for the yard, and tried to haul off one of my largest welsh harlequin hens.

I happened to be outside on that rainy night. I ran up and chased off the coon- my hen was injured but ok.

We ended up having to dispatch 3 coons before they stopped trying to breach the run. Hated to do it, but was not willing to give up my flock to the predators!
It was a couple of weeks before I felt comfortable letting them range again, even when I was home.

Once the predators know where an easy meal can be found, it is -very- hard to deter them IMO.

If you are completely unwilling to dispatch them, I understand.

Is your fencing in the “yard” buried underground?
Vertical or horizontal?
How deep/far out?

Foxes are savvy! You are going to need a fortress to keep them out :/

Hopefully your fencing is buried fairly deep, and you can add some 12-18” wide (framed) hardware cloth panels around the outside of the yard perimeter, weighted down w rocks, bricks, etc- to make it harde for them / prevent them from digging under.

They won’t pass up an easy meal.
I wish you and yours flock the best-
It’s a hard decision to make for sure 💕
Thank you💜. I’m so sorry about your gang. Raccoons are terrors but this fox is a new level. She wasn’t threatened by me at all! Their run/coop is a fortress so I’m confident when they are in they are safe, hardware cloth around and covering, it’s just allowing them some scratch/dig time. I can’t fence anything in but have seen the electric netting I thought I’d put up to allow the at least some outdoor time with me there.
Thank you💜. I’m so sorry about your gang. Raccoons are terrors but this fox is a new level. She wasn’t threatened by me at all! Their run/coop is a fortress so I’m confident when they are in they are safe, hardware cloth around and covering, it’s just allowing them some scratch/dig time. I can’t fence anything in but have seen the electric netting I thought I’d put up to allow the at least some outdoor time with me there.
Of course that won't stop the hawks.

Do you have a dog? Do you have any interest in LGDs?

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