Bantam Cochin cockeral or pullet??


Jul 1, 2024
Hey ya'll!!
I have a few baby chicks, but my black bantam cochin looks to be a questionable cockeral.
I've had these chicks for about 2 weeks, but I did just add a new addition yesterday, I will picture my lavender orpington chick as well since she is a little older than the black cochin just to give a comparison.
Thank you!


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I just hatched some of the same species of birds that looked very similar to that one at two weeks, one is looking like a pullet, the other is a cockerel, give it to week 6, should be more obvious then, mine are 5 weeks now, keep an eye on behaviour as well, how does he/she act?


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She 🤞has very sassy demeanor, she did pick on my new baby chick (the little black one being an australorp) but I did reinforce the behavior towards that, so now their all cuddling and preening one another. But she was always the one taking care of the other chicks being always really active and chatty as well.
Hmm… that sounds unfortunately similar to the way my little roosters acted, but still could go either way
Do you plan to keep her/him if it turns out to be a rooster?
Hey ya'll!!
I have a few baby chicks, but my black bantam cochin looks to be a questionable cockeral.
I've had these chicks for about 2 weeks, but I did just add a new addition yesterday, I will picture my lavender orpington chick as well since she is a little older than the black cochin just to give a comparison.
Thank you!
How old are they? Depending on the age, it might be too young to tell.
I do not plan on keeping my little Pipin if she does end up turning out be a rooster, no...but I would of course want to rehome her to the best home possible.
It's a little too early to tell. I'd post some more pics in a couple weeks.
I will give you some things to look out for that might help you identify if it's a cockerel or a pullet. BUT let me preface this by saying, these tricks aren't applicable to all breeds, just some. For example, I breed Japanese Bantams and Silkies. Based on these signs, I always guess right which gender the chicks are.

Usually at the one-week mark, I've noticed that cockerels usually feather out a lot slower than pullets. Their tail feathers come in a lot later, and their feathers also take longer to grow. For behavior, I've noticed that cockerels are usually the more outgoing ones. The pullets are shyer.
Ok, thank you I will definitely look for those signs with my little Pipin.
But she is growing her tail A LOT slower, she hasn't even gotten a feather yet, but with the feather feathered feet breeds the cockerals grow in more feathers, and Pipin has grown her feathered feet fairly quickly.
But your advice will definitely keep me looking for any more clearer signs within the next couple of weeks.
As I will keep you guys updated to see if identifying this little chick becomes for obvious later on.

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