Bantam thread(including polish and silkies)

Well the plan to get the chick for the broody hens didn’t work.

The employee wanted us to get 2 chicks. Now I’m glad we got 2 because the 2 bantams sharing a nest rejected them. At first Buttercup seemed okay with them and let them spend the night under her. This morning she pecked at the Americana chick when she was trying to go under her so Buttercup and Priscilla are just back to sharing that nest until whenever. Even though both chicks were supposed to have hatched Monday the Americana has longer wing feathers so that could’ve been a reason she was rejected or maybe because the yellow chick looks more like the buff cochin. Although she raised 9 bluish OEGB chicks in 2022.

I picked out the Americana chick with the fluffiest cheeks. My son wanted a yellow chick so we got a starlight green Egger. I added a Cozy coop heater which I had to do last year when Buttercup rejected the fawn silver OEGB chicks I tried to give her. Priscilla had abandoned her own chicks when they were 3 weeks old and Dustbunny has never gone broody. Next year if she does I might get her a couple of chicks but the other 2 hens will just have to sit til they broody out. I don’t know how long they’ve been sitting but it’s been at least a month so it wasn’t too soon for the chicks.

Chicks when we picked them up from Peavey Mart. Chicoletta the Americana and Chixie the Starlight Green Egger.
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Buttercup before she rejected them
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Awww, sad she rejected them.

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