Aww. Is there any way you can put or build like a table under the front and fence off the nest box area to make it safe for chicks? The other girls won't be happy, but if they don't have access to the preferred nest they'll find someplace else to lay.
I also have a pullet, hatched April 29, who's broody again for the third time!
Limu started laying late October, went broody in November. I don't have a rooster, so I made a broody buster and broke her. Then she went broody again in February and it was way too cold, so back in the broody buster. Then she went broody again just this weekend.
This time is her lucky third time though, we're driving down to pick up hatching eggs from a breeder this afternoon. This morning I have to fence off the area under the poop board and build a new nest box for the rest of the girls.
Good luck with your Nutmeg!
I also have a pullet, hatched April 29, who's broody again for the third time!
This time is her lucky third time though, we're driving down to pick up hatching eggs from a breeder this afternoon. This morning I have to fence off the area under the poop board and build a new nest box for the rest of the girls.
Good luck with your Nutmeg!