Barnevelder is broody again!

She should be fine to be transferred to the Maternity Wing.

Here is Clover the first time she was broody, incubating eggs on the patio chair. I love her face so much!:
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Chamomile hatched on the patio chair where Clover was. This was the first moment I saw Chamomile. I was such a proud Dad at that moment that I showed ANYONE I met around town the picture! I even had a photo printed of them for my wallet!:
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I transferred Mama & Baby to a cardboard box with a small container of water and chick starter crumbles, then built a nursery pen for them. They were okay there for a day.
But the next day Chamomile was already through the fence in the backyard, with her worried mother after her! One of the other chooks took a swipe at Baby Chamomile! As the protective father I placed Chamomile on Clover's back, then picked up Clover and immediately put both of them into the nursery for their own safety!

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The transfer was absolutely fine. The mother will go WHEREVER her baby/babies will go.

Video of Mama and Baby in the maternity wing.
She is gorgeous! What breed is she? The photo of Clover and Chamomile omgggggggg! How are they SO CUTE?!?!

I got the curtain made for the box and am going to put it on today and transfer Nutmeg in. I am crossing all of my fingers!
She is gorgeous! What breed is she? The photo of Clover and Chamomile omgggggggg! How are they SO CUTE?!?!

I got the curtain made for the box and am going to put it on today and transfer Nutmeg in. I am crossing all of my fingers!

Thank you so much! I know, my heart melts every time I see that picture!

Clover is a Hy-Line Brown, while Chamomile is a Leghorn cross (Leghorn father, unknown mother).
I have never heard of that breed before (the Hy-Line Brown)! Where are you located?

Nutmeg has taken very well to her maternity wing! I moved her on Saturday evening. I let her out yesterday, and she went outside for a little while. When she went back inside, she went to the nesting box, but when I moved her to her MW, she was, like, oh, okay, here is my nest! She went right in. I hope these chicks hatch in the next few days! She's getting to where she only really gets up when I physically get her up. The breeder told me to check back in on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week.
nutmeg booty.jpg
I have never heard of that breed before (the Hy-Line Brown)! Where are you located?

Nutmeg has taken very well to her maternity wing! I moved her on Saturday evening. I let her out yesterday, and she went outside for a little while. When she went back inside, she went to the nesting box, but when I moved her to her MW, she was, like, oh, okay, here is my nest! She went right in. I hope these chicks hatch in the next few days! She's getting to where she only really gets up when I physically get her up. The breeder told me to check back in on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week. View attachment 4080819View attachment 4080818

Nutmeg is a very good girl!

I live in Australia.

The Hy-Line Brown is a hybrid Red Sex-Link breed of chicken, developed by Hy-Line International, based in Iowa, USA. They are intended for large egg farms, but they make fantastic backyard chooks living a great life free-ranging and chasing me for snacks!


I bought my Hy-Line chicks from a local stockfeed shop, who acquire the chicks from an authorised Hy-Line breeder based over in Melbourne.
Nutmeg is a very good girl!

I live in Australia.

The Hy-Line Brown is a hybrid Red Sex-Link breed of chicken, developed by Hy-Line International, based in Iowa, USA. They are intended for large egg farms, but they make fantastic backyard chooks living a great life free-ranging and chasing me for snacks!

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I bought my Hy-Line chicks from a local stockfeed shop, who acquire the chicks from an authorised Hy-Line breeder based over in Melbourne.
Oh! Very cool!!! They're not one I hear much about here in Northern New York State. Nutmeg is being so good! I just wish I could get these chicks to her. Today is day 17. The breeder said to check tomorrow mid day on the hatch.

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