Hey everyone. I have a ~1 year old barred rock rooster who I just noticed this evening has an incredibly red butt area that extends down his abdomen. It's redder than a strawberry. I'm not too sure if this is a breed thing since he is my only barred rock, so maybe this is kind of a noobie question. I haven't looked at his backside in the year that I've had him until just a bit ago. I was spraying elector psp on all my chickens because I found lice on two, so this is the first that I'm seeing it. I'm really not sure if this is normal or not, since I've never seen any of my chickens anywhere near this red before. He wouldn't let me get a super good look, but I was able to tell that there wasn't any wounds, and I didn't really see any build-up around his feathers that would indicate a bad lice infestation on him. I will say, though, that he is extremely mate happy currently and is mounting every chance he gets, so I don't know if that may have something to do with it...? I have a picture attached-- it's not a good one but it shows just how red he is. The picture is also after spraying him so that is why he is wet. If anyone could tell me if that's a normal thing or not I'd appreciate it and will investigate further if it isn't normal. Thanks!