Barred Rock?


Jun 9, 2023
Our local shop had some $3 chicks straight run I wanted barred rock but they were mixed in with Orpington, barred rock, cuckoo maran, and jersey giant.

I also tried to get hens but once I was there I couldn’t tell them apart.


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Our local shop had some $3 chicks straight run
barred rock but they were mixed in with Orpington, barred rock, cuckoo maran, and jersey giant.
Photos without a red light will help.

I'm not a breed expert that's for sure, but the chicks in the box do not look like Barred Plymouth Rocks to me.
I'd say they are Jersey Giants. The yellow one would be an Buff Orpington according to your list.

You mention you wanted hens, but if the store was selling Straight Run, then that's a mix of males/females so you just sort of take what's there...a gamble.
Hopefully you have a few girls. Can you have roosters where you live?
Our local shop had some $3 chicks straight run I wanted barred rock but they were mixed in with Orpington, barred rock, cuckoo maran, and jersey giant.

I also tried to get hens but once I was there I couldn’t tell them apart.
Photos without a red light will help.

I'm not a breed expert that's for sure, but the chicks in the box do not look like Barred Plymouth Rocks to me.
I'd say they are Jersey Giants. The yellow one would be an Buff Orpington according to your list.

You mention you wanted hens, but if the store was selling Straight Run, then that's a mix of males/females so you just sort of take what's there...a gamble.
Hopefully you have a few girls. Can you have roosters where you live?
Yeah I already have three roosters and only want them.

I will eat roosters.

I heard a trick about sexing barred rock but the white spots were impossible to tell apart. They all looked the same and I got stressed out.


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They're either barred rocks or cuckoo Marans. Marans have pink feet while barred rocks have yellow. Also, when they feather out, barred rocks will have clearer barring. While there is some debate as to whether or not you can sex them by their head spots, there is some truth to it. Males are double barred, so they will have more white on them in general than females will. So if you picked out the ones with the smallest, most defined head spots, that's as good as you can get. When they start getting wing feathers, you can usually tell the difference between males and females pretty easily.
They're either barred rocks or cuckoo Marans. Marans have pink feet while barred rocks have yellow. Also, when they feather out, barred rocks will have clearer barring. While there is some debate as to whether or not you can sex them by their head spots, there is some truth to it. Males are double barred, so they will have more white on them in general than females will. So if you picked out the ones with the smallest, most defined head spots, that's as good as you can get. When they start getting wing feathers, you can usually tell the difference between males and females pretty easily.
I don’t know they all looked like they had big head spots. The guy did the dangle test too. Idk if that’s a valid thing. Do you think those head spots pictured above are smaller
I don’t know they all looked like they had big head spots. The guy did the dangle test too. Idk if that’s a valid thing. Do you think those head spots pictured above are smaller
The dangle test is an old wives' tale, there's no truth to it. Those head spots are smaller than some I've seen and larger than others. You're just going to have to wait and see what they turn out as :)
I can see them a little better now. They may be Barred Plymouth Rocks, I do see some horn colored wash on the feet (I think) which could indicate BPR.
Head spots, I've never really been able to i.d. male/female from those, but some people probably can.

It's always fun to just wait and see:)

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