Barred Rocks

chicks rule

12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Do any of you know if there is another breed of chicken where the chicks look alike?? I bought 6 chicks tonight, two Golden Laced Wyanndottes, and I thought two Barred Rock and two of another breed that looks similiar to the Barred Rock chicks, now I am wondering if the four aren't the same, I cannot for the life of me remember what I thought I was getting and the salesman wasn't alot of help, and I'm not so sure about their labeling of the chicks??? Thanks
Most single combed breeds that will be either black, barred, mottled or cuckoo will look very similar to bard rocks and be about the same size. Here's a list of a few breeds that look similar as chicks:

cuckoo maran
black giant
black australorp
black minorca
black star
black/mottled/barred cochin or langshan (w/ feather legs)
Thanks for replying Picco, I went back to the farm store yesterday and looked at their tags and it seems that they have the Barred Rocks in three different spots, sooooo, guess I have four new Barred Rocks, guess I better read up on them, lol of course the salesman wasnt sure on any of them, hmmmm

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