Barring to show gender?


7 Years
Aug 31, 2017
Homosassa, FL
Hello all, I apologize in advance that I am a little confused on this topic. I have four six week old chicks that I bought from rural king where there was zero information on what breeds they are, let alone if they were sexed. I’ve read that certain cockerels develop a “white bar” in their feathers, what does this mean and what does it look like?
Well, in certain breeds. Here's a pair of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. The male, on right, looks much lighter than the hen, on left, because he has TWO white "bars" to her single ones.
Okay that clarifies it a bit, none of my chickens look like that. But I did notice one two of them it looks like they are developing some white tips on their wings? I wasn’t sure if this is the “cockerel barring” but it appears it’s unrelated?
Okay that clarifies it a bit, none of my chickens look like that. But I did notice one two of them it looks like they are developing some white tips on their wings? I wasn’t sure if this is the “cockerel barring” but it appears it’s unrelated?
No. Black Australorps will grow up to be completely black but as chicks might have white tips on their wings, regardless of gender. The barring only refers to "barred" breeds.
Thank you so much! I posted them when they were a couple days old, but not since they’ve matured (they’re six weeks old now) I’m pretty sure one is a chocolate Orpington, two might be sapphire gems and then I have a buff chick I’m unsure about. 🤷‍♀️


These pics were taken on the fifth so a little over a week ago, they’re sleeping now but I’ll get better updates photos of them tomorrow.

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