Beak issue, previously treating for swollen head syndrome, need advice.


May 21, 2023
I have a young(2-3 months) gamefowl (Asil/Hennie x Asil/?) cross. He was raised with 6 other chicks by 2 hens(5+ years old) After they hatched we put them in the brooder(3ft W x 8ft L x 2 1/2ft H) . This was the 3rd batch of chicks these hens gave us this year, so we decided to put the hens in with the chicks instead of keeping them separate. At approx 1 month old we noticed fighting in the brooder amongst some of the chicks and a couple had swollen heads. We removed the 3 with swollen heads, figured they just needed more room so we put the 1 Cockerel(bird pictured) 3 pullets and the 2 hens in a new pen (8ft L x 8ft W x 4 ft H). After separating the 3 with swollen heads into small rabbit hutches(3ft L x 2ft Hx 2 ft L) inside the house and inspecting, I deduced the swollen head was not from fighting but rather symptoms of swollen head syndrome. I treated them with some antibiotics I was given, they're in some middle eastern language. I then went to inspect the others with the hens and they were all in good shape. 2 weeks later they are healed and fine, outside in their own cages. That day I find the bird in question with his mouth slightly open and a very dirty, almost bloody looking head, looking like he was dehydrated and gasping for air. I pulled him, cleaned his head, found no visible injuries, but his top beak looked shorter than the bottom. His top beak was swollen, appearing to keep his mouth from closing all the way to the bottom. I assumed his symptoms were slower to show, so I proceeded with the same treatment as the others. He has been inside for a week and the swelling has gone down enough for him to close his mouth, and he is bouncing around, eating normally, begging to be pet, and trying to crow. But his beak is obviously not right. I would like to think I would have caught this when looking at the birds when first separating, but I am unsure. Is the beak having a difference in length caused by the illness or was he born like this and I didn't pay well enough attention to him? Will this cause him to suffer down the road? Will the beak correct itself if it was caused by the illness?
It looks like the tip of his beak is broken off. You said he is eating fine and that is great. I don't see any reason that it won't grow back ove

It looks like the tip of his beak is broken off. You said he is eating fine and that is great. I don't see any reason that it won't grow back over time.
I felt like that was a possibility, but also felt I was being too optimistic. I appreciate the quick response. Thank you.
I felt like that was a possibility, but also felt I was being too optimistic. I appreciate the quick response. Thank you.
Beaks tips get broken and sometimes they bleed, sometimes they bleed a lot as they do have a rather rich blood supply the closer you get to the face. Beaks are made of keratin like fingernails they will be filed down and grow back throughout their life.

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