
I removed the lock and took away the shattered boards all the hardware cloth was covered by boards
I would move my chickens to a garage or basement until I could come up with a better plan.Maybe a friend will keep them a couple days? Stapling hw cloth over an opening won't stop a bear (or any other predator for that matter) Hw cloth must be secured with poultry staples or screws and washers. Few coops will survive a bear attack without an electric fence. Sorry for your loss!
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Sorry you lost your flock. As a beekeeper I had to put up an electric fence. I got lucky and didn't lose any hives, just a little damage. I scrambled and ran an extension cord out to my apiary and put up an electric fence until I could run permanent electric, it worked! I didn't want batteries and a solar panel. I caught the bear the following evening on a trail cam 5 minutes after I set it up and went in for the night, she was watching me and I never saw her. That was 3 years ago. Haven't had a problem since, the fence is always on.
I would move my chickens to a garage or basement until I could come up with a better plan.Maybe a friend will keep them a couple days? Stapling hw cloth over an opening won't stop a bear (or any other predator for that matter) Hw cloth must be secured with poultry staples or screws and washers. Few coops will survive a bear attack without an electric fence. Sorry for your l

Sorry you lost your flock. As a beekeeper I had to put up an electric fence. I got lucky and didn't lose any hives, just a little damage. I scrambled and ran an extension cord out to my apiary and put up an electric fence until I could run permanent electric, it worked! I didn't want batteries and a solar panel. I caught the bear the following evening on a trail cam 5 minutes after I set it up and went in for the night, she was watching me and I never saw her. That was 3 years ago. Haven't had a problem since, the fence is always on.
Shit!! Luckily, it wasn't the whole flock, but our bees aren't are from the coop. I'm nervous they will be next. Going electric for sure!
Not sure what could do this other than a bear, last night our Run Chicken dorr was torn clean off the coop! I didn't get a picture of that but I did get a picture of the one door. (Attached) Not pictured is the lock that's usually on the door and the boards that are usually over the hardware cloth and then an insulated tarp that goes over top of the boards.

What ever it is took multiple birds and left one of my girls shredded. 😔
Oh, so sorry for your flock loss. I know how you must feel, I had neighbors dogs tear into my free range chickens. Young layers, easy going. Had to put a couple down they were so torn up. Even my bantams that were in their run was affected from hearing and seeing what was going on. Lost two of them from stress. Can't keep their dogs away. They have a kennel and promised to keep them in it until they could get a secure fence up. My son heard they in the run at the back of the barn terrorizing my poor buck rabbit that was in a hutch. Now I have to keep him in my hanging wire cages along side of my girls. Now the best thing to do but safety comes first. By the way, these are hunting dogs. They are ruined for hunting as they want to kill, kill, kill.
Had a hawk attack our hens this morning. Now I’m scared to free range anymore. Our hens have open fields as well as woods to free range, which saved them this time. Got them secured in a covered run now but feel so sorry for them! They want out! How can we ever free range again!
Sorry to hear about everyone's losses. The first 5 years I had chickens, I lost 30 to hawks, neighbor's dogs, fox, that I know of.

Solutions? I added an African Gray goose to the flock. No more aerial attacks. She hangs out with the flock and is seriously smart. They are now her babies.

We fenced in the back where the dogs and fox were getting in. A couple days after the fence was finished, I went outside in the afternoon (hearing a ruckus) and saw a red fox standing on the outside of the fence STARING ME DOWN!! It didn't flinch at my presence. Then I called the dog out and it took off.

We got a German Shepherd who I trained to protect the chickens, not chase or eat them.

It's been 3 years since the last 2 items were added and we haven't had any losses! My girls free range all day and we're in a rural area.
Once we had neighborhood punks terrorizing our horses. We had solar&battery electric fencing. They would ground out the fence with tree limbs and get into the field....
We put put cattle panels up on insulators and wired it to the original electric fence. Then we upgrade the fence charger to one that couldn't be grounded out by branches. (It could burn through welding gloves)....
Never had problems after that......

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