Bedding Change


Feb 19, 2024
Northwest Ohio
Quick question that I would like some reassurance. My 8 week old chicks moved to the coop tonight! They have been on tsc wood shavings since coming home and when i went a last weekend i could not find them! I instead got the horse bedding pellets and aspen fiber horse bedding and got it all in the coop. I did throw a little pile in the brooder for them to poke through but am now suddenly worried they will try to eat it. Probably just flashbacks to when I was convinced I lost my mail order chicks to them eating my original idea for hemp shavings. Just wanted some confirmation that I am over reacting and they will be fine! Lol Thanks!
I use nothing but wood pellets for bedding from as soon as they hatch. I have never had an issue with them. If you are worried they might eat the pellets then make sure they have access to grit to help them break down anything they eat that they shouldn't. As long as the wood pellets have not been treated with anything then you should be good. I have liked the wood pellets so much I have turned half my cat litter boxes into using wood pellets.

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