Bedding for coop

Probably due to the 'odor' rather than particulates.
Pine off gassing is not as bad as aromatic cedar but still causes some concerns according to some.
That's the warnings I've seen.
Comes back up once in an awhile for some hot debate.
Oh all of the ones I have seen were mentioning pine sawdust being dusty and getting into their lungs. As far as off gassing goes people do know that most of the lumber that is used to build coops is pine?😂
I've read that they cause respiratory issues for chickens.
You can read a lot of things on this forum or just on the internet in general. Some of what you read is accurate. Some of it. I think asking questions is a great move on your part.

Many of us use pine shavings. I do. Many hatcheries recommend using pine shavings. Pine shavings have worked successfully for a lot of people for a lot of years.

Why would people claim pine shavings are bad? It seems that no matter what you do somebody can come up with a reason to not do it. Perhaps their chickens caught a respiratory disease so they blame the respiratory problems on the pine shavings. Perhaps they mixed DE with the shavings and the DE caused a problem. It is recommended that people that work around DE wear respirator protection. Cedar shavings give off a gas that can cause respiratory problems in confined spaces. Perhaps somebody does not understand the difference between cedar and pine. Who knows why somebody would claim pine shavings are bad? It could be something they heard without knowing why or they could just be confused. Or they could seriously believe it.

If you are not comfortable using pine shavings don't use them. Remember no matter what you use somebody will come up with a reason to not use it. People use pine or aspen shavings, wood chips, hay, straw, shredded paper, Spanish moss, leaves, grass clipping, and who knows what else. As long as it stays dry it should work. If it stays wet for long anything can be a problem.

Probably due to the 'odor' rather than particulates.
Pine off gassing is not as bad as aromatic cedar but still causes some concerns according to some.
That's the warnings I've seen.
Comes back up once in a awhile for some hot debate.
Decent ventilation is always good. Poor ventilation can cause problems with anything.

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