Bee sting or bug bite, swollen face

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
I let my flock out to free range. My hen, Stevie Nicks, was fine. Less than an hour later her face looks like this. Her left side is really swollen. The right side isn’t swollen but she has 2 red bumps.

This happened so quickly that I’m sure it’s a reaction to something environmental, and the bumps on the right side sure look like bites or stings.

I’m in Maryland. I don’t know what could have done this other than maybe she disturbed a ground nest of yellow jackets or other bees. I don’t think I have ants that would do this much damage. They were hanging out in deep leaves on the edge of the woods, where they don’t typically go.

This happened last night shortly before they went to bed. This morning she’s the same- no better but no worse. Will Benedryl still be helpful if it’s given 24 hours later? I can get some on my way home from work tonight but don’t want to give it to her if it won’t help at this stage. She’s otherwise behaving normally, but since it was late night and early morning that I was checking her, I didn’t get to observe her too closely.

Here’s the bad side:

Here’s the less swollen side with the bumps.


It is possible that she was stung or is showing signs of fowl pox. A couple of months ago, your post then said that you were dealing with a possible respiratory disease. So, this could be fowl pox plus a secondary respiratory infection such as MG. Hard to know at this point. Do you see any bubbles or foam in the eyes? Are any others showing signs this morning of scabs or respiratory symptoms? Here are some pictures of fowl pox scabs, and they may start out as beige spots, becoming darker brown and raised in the middle. Pox lasts around a month.
I would go ahead and give her a one time dose of Benadryl 1/4 of a 25 mg tablet, to see if it makes a difference. Let us know what happens, or if she gets more scabs.
It is possible that she was stung or is showing signs of fowl pox. A couple of months ago, your post then said that you were dealing with a possible respiratory disease. So, this could be fowl pox plus a secondary respiratory infection such as MG.
I wondered about this, but it happened so incredibly fast. She was fine, and then less than an hour later she was swollen. Thats why I’m thinking it’s a sting. Could fowl pox appear this quickly?
Do you see any bubbles or foam in the eyes? Are any others showing signs this morning of scabs or respiratory symptoms?
Both eyes are clear. She’s behaving normally. No other birds are presenting with issues. She doesn’t have any scabs. Just swelling. One side of her face is large area swelling and the other side has those couple specific bumps.
I would go ahead and give her a one time dose of Benadryl 1/4 of a 25 mg tablet, to see if it makes a difference. Let us know what happens, or if she gets more scabs.
Last night she was already showing a bit of improvement. I haven’t gotten to her yet this morning, but I will pick up some Benedryl.
I would go ahead and give her a one time dose of Benadryl 1/4 of a 25 mg tablet, to see if it makes a difference. Let us know what happens, or if she gets more scabs.
She has made some slight improvement. I don’t know if it is compliments of the Benedryl or simply time. She’s still swollen, but not as bad. Laid an egg yesterday and today. Still behaving normally. Still no new signs or symptoms from her or any others. I wish I knew what it was so I could avoid it in the future. We have some thistle growing around. I wonder if she stuck her face in a thistle if that could produce something like this.

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