Beginning to Squat

We have 8 birds in all but four of them 6 months this week. Two started laying 11 days ago and we're still waiting for signs from the other two.
As I understand it the squatting is a gesture for being mounted by a roo. My two girls squat almost every time I put my hand out towards them now.
Mine are only 19 months old, but the do the squat on and off. It's a hormonal reflex, I think. If they are broody - nearing it or exiting it - they don't squat. Those who lay regularly do squat at times, and at other times they don't. I think it happens when their hormones surge.
Mine didn't squat until after they laid their first eggs, now all six do it any time I walk near them. Makes it easier for me to catch them and put them back in the coop when it's time to let the dogs out. If it's not time for them to go up I just give then a pet and scuffle their butt a bit and send them on their way.
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I have 18 chickens, two of whom are layers (one came to me laying when she was about a year and a half, and the other was given to us when she was about 8 weeks old. She started laying at 22 weeks.)

I have 16 others... 6 are 21 weeks, and 10 are 17 weeks. Only one of the 21 week olders is very much squatting, and it has been in the past two weeks. Her comb and wattles have really started turning red and growing. So have the wattles and combs of the other five, and actually, many of the younger ones are turning red and growing as well. Some of my Barred Rocks are squatting, too (they are 17 weeks), but nothing!! It is really hard waiting this long, especially with it getting into fall.

Have any of you had chickens start laying in October/November/December??

If I were to do this again, I would try and get baby chicks in winter so that they might start laying in July or so.

We keep singing to them to lay eggs, but still nada!
It's good to know what to look for now, a squatting chicken. We are waiting for the squatting to begin, it should be soon, as mine are 4 months old now.

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