Belly "Fat" Duck


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2020
My two year old Peking, has been very healthy, developed a "belly" of sorts recently. I have been out of town and left her with my housemates.
They noticed she is walking funny and looks fat, she also has an eye swollen shut. They started treating her eyes right away.

This evening I picked her up and loved on her. I think her belly feels like it could be fat, but she seems disturbed when I press too much. Her eyes I will have to keep observing and treating. Everyone else seems healthy.

Does anyone know what might be a cause? I'm thinking water - belly or maybe a growth. I promise I will NOT let her suffer and I will do what is necessary. Unfortunately a vet is not an option at this time in my area.
I really appreciate any advice.
Thank you!

PS please excuse my run, it is under re-construction.


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My two year old Peking, has been very healthy, developed a "belly" of sorts recently. I have been out of town and left her with my housemates.
They noticed she is walking funny and looks fat, she also has an eye swollen shut. They started treating her eyes right away.

This evening I picked her up and loved on her. I think her belly feels like it could be fat, but she seems disturbed when I press too much. Her eyes I will have to keep observing and treating. Everyone else seems healthy.

Does anyone know what might be a cause? I'm thinking water - belly or maybe a growth. I promise I will NOT let her suffer and I will do what is necessary. Unfortunately a vet is not an option at this time in my area.
I really appreciate any advice.
Thank you!

PS please excuse my run, it is under re-construction.
do you have a better photo, closer up? In this one the position shes in could be concerning, does she always sit/stand like that?
When did she last lay an egg?
Could a chicken have pecked her in the eye? I had that happen here a few years ago. Terramycin eye ointment works good with eye issues.
Not sure about the belly do you know when she laid last? A video of her walking and a picture of her standing looking straight at you would help.
do you have a better photo, closer up? In this one the position shes in could be concerning, does she always sit/stand like that?
When did she last lay an egg?
She is having some mobility issues it seems. She is dragging. Normally she was active and would be waddling around in the cool morning air, maybe napping. I never noticed her sitting this way like she is on her haunches. The last egg lay I couldn't be sure since I haven't been home - I do think all of them are laying less in the heat, however.


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Could a chicken have pecked her in the eye? I had that happen here a few years ago. Terramycin eye ointment works good with eye issues.
Not sure about the belly do you know when she laid last? A video of her walking and a picture of her standing looking straight at you would help.
That is entirely possible, I also think it could be from rough breeding with the drake. I have been using eye spray, but I will look for that ointment thank you!

I will work on a video this morning to get a better look at her condition. Not sure of her laying, the egg collection has been done by my step-son (it's his big chore) and he's not the most reliable...I have a duckling on my hands haha
For the eye, I recommend flushing the eye with salt solution and then applying terramycin eye ointment.
I recently treated a pekin drake with a completely closed eye. I wrapped him in a towel, and then swabbed down the eye with a cotton wool ball soaked in salt solution. I used 1 tsp tablesalt in 1 cup previously boiled and cooled water. [An ideal solution is made using one of the salt sachets sold in pharmacies for human nasal washouts using a Neti pot if you can get a pack. For wound infections, use 2 sachets per cup of previously boiled and cooled water, but for eyes use just one]

After swabbing the eye, I used a 3 ml plastic syringe, no needle, to flush the eye with the same salt solution, then squeezed a small amount of eye ointment inside the eyelid. Four times a day until well on the way to cure, then twice a day. If you can keep your girl in the house in a ducky hospital ward, it would be good until they eye infection is cured and would give her quiet time to recover from whatever is goign on in her belly.


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For the eye, I recommend flushing the eye with salt solution and then applying terramycin eye ointment.
I recently treated a pekin drake with a completely closed eye. I wrapped him in a towel, and then swabbed down the eye with a cotton wool ball soaked in salt solution. I used 1 tsp tablesalt in 1 cup previously boiled and cooled water. [An ideal solution is made using one of the salt sachets sold in pharmacies for human nasal washouts using a Neti pot if you can get a pack. For wound infections, use 2 sachets per cup of previously boiled and cooled water, but for eyes use just one]

After swabbing the eye, I used a 3 ml plastic syringe, no needle, to flush the eye with the same salt solution, then squeezed a small amount of eye ointment inside the eyelid. Four times a day until well on the way to cure, then twice a day. If you can keep your girl in the house in a ducky hospital ward, it would be good until they eye infection is cured and would give her quiet time to recover from whatever is goign on in her belly.
Thank you! I will try this! Anything to bring her some relief.
Update: Her belly has shrunken some, I do not believe she is "better" or out of the woods yet. I am happy to see her able to move about a little easier.
Her eye has not improved and I will be examining again for any wounds or infections on her body. I began feeding her a concoction I made up in hopes it would ease her or improve, she eats it with vigor and it does my heart good to see. I am not holding my breath and we are preparing to put her down this weekend. I, of course, out my my overly human heart pray for her daily to see a miracle.
Thank you everyone who has sent me suggestions and help. I really appreciate the BackYard community.
Keep bathing and irrigating the eye four times a day. Do have a good look in the eye tomake sure there isn;t a small bit of grit or the like there. Apply tetracycline ointment ofter bathing.

Glad she is eating and that her belly has gone down somewhat. Please have patience and give her time to pull through whatever is going on with her, as long as she is not deteriorating.

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