Best Advice for Shipped Hatching Eggs


Feb 5, 2025
Please share some of your “best advice/tips” for hatching out shipped eggs.
I hatched out my first batch of shipped eggs last summer and got 12/14 (silkies). It was my fist time ever hatching eggs so I was completely shocked. A few months later I hatched out a batch of Wyandottes and only had 5/12 hatch. I know this is a little more common considering shipped eggs are risky.
I would just love to know everyone’s tips and secrets on setting up those shipped eggs to have the best chance possible!
The tips they gave me were:
  • Let the eggs rest for 24 h before you set them /give them to your broody.
  • Acclimate the eggs to room temperature.
And there was something with point up or down. But I forgot which side up.


Welcome to BackYardChickens

These are the instructions from the site I ordered my Black Copper Marans hatching eggs from. They were shipped from the east coast to Washington State and I had a 70% hatching rate.

1) Let’s settle for 24 hours pointy side down at room temp.

2) after 24 hours put them in your incubator. DO NOT TURN EGGS FOR 3 FULL DAYS..... MINIMUM.

3) after three days candle eggs and a check for loose air cells. Any that are stable can begin turning.

4) Any eggs that air cells are still detached, do not turn and check every 24 hours for up to a week total.

Best of luck
The tips they gave me were:
  • Let the eggs rest for 24 h before you set them /give them to your broody.
  • Acclimate the eggs to room temperature.
And there was something with point up or down. But I forgot which side up.
Thank you! Yes, I believe I have read to allow them to rest pointy side down.

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