Best Buds (pic overload)

I still don't think he looks bad, but I keep bulldog mixes that also tend to look thicker, but aren't always. Some people have called them fat, but I know they aren't. Brew probably just needs to run more and build up some muscle. Otherwise I still think he looks good. He will never look like he did before his neuter. Neutered males often get a bit thicker.
I still don't think he looks bad, but I keep bulldog mixes that also tend to look thicker, but aren't always. Some people have called them fat, but I know they aren't. Brew probably just needs to run more and build up some muscle. Otherwise I still think he looks good. He will never look like he did before his neuter. Neutered males often get a bit thicker.
Yeah he definitely needs more muscle and to run more for sure. But I also way over fed him for a while so he is kind of a chonk too, it’s hard to see lol he’s not like a 100 lb morbidly obese beached whale like someeeee, sure, but he’s a chub chub LOL 🤣😭 but I do need to stop imagining he’ll be his 57 lb extremely muscular and fit self ever again lol
Mine build more muscle during the warmer weather when we can be outside more. If you had another dog to help exercise him, that running and playing always burns more calories than just you walking him. Walking is good but they also need to run to stay fit. Do you play ball with him? Does he fetch? In the summer I use a Chuck it to throw the ball far.
Mine build more muscle during the warmer weather when we can be outside more. If you had another dog to help exercise him, that running and playing always burns more calories than just you walking him. Walking is good but they also need to run to stay fit. Do you play ball with him? Does he fetch? In the summer I use a Chuck it to throw the ball far.
Yeah he used to have a few dog friends but they all either moved or got busy 😭 I might call them up though lol because he needs to run. Like you mentioned. He likes fetch but lately he doesn’t bring it back or if he does won’t drop it lol
Also sorry if it seems like I’m being argumentative. Not trying to be. Just hard to tell from pics sometimes and I only know because I know for a fact I overfed him for a long time and he blew up. :oops: so yeah. I mean he’s not like morbidly obese or anything but definitely needs to shed a few pounds.
You definitely should keep him as lean as possible as that is one thing that can extend a dogs life. Purina did that lifetime study about it. Keeping them in good weight and good dental care are the two things we can do. The rest is mostly genetics.

I do my best, but sometimes I end up with a chubby dog too. Pepper is that dog this time around. Hopefully come summer she will lose a few more pounds as well. I have her moving more and eating a bit less and it's slowly helping. You don't want to restrict food too much as it can lead to deficiencies. Slow weight loss is always best.
Also sorry if it seems like I’m being argumentative. Not trying to be. Just hard to tell from pics sometimes and I only know because I know for a fact I overfed him for a long time and he blew up. :oops: so yeah. I mean he’s not like morbidly obese or anything but definitely needs to shed a few pounds.
I didn't think you sounded argumentative. I guess I didn't want you to feel bad about your chubby kid.
You definitely should keep him as lean as possible as that is one thing that can extend a dogs life. Purina did that lifetime study about it. Keeping them in good weight and good dental care are the two things we can do. The rest is mostly genetics.

I do my best, but sometimes I end up with a chubby dog too. Pepper is that dog this time around. Hopefully come summer she will lose a few more pounds as well. I have her moving more and eating a bit less and it's slowly helping. You don't want to restrict food too much as it can lead to deficiencies. Slow weight loss is always best.
Thanks!! Really helpful and interesting as always!! ❤️❤️❤️

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